Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Opera Mini 6 for iOS

Browser Opera Mini 6 for IOSOpera has joined the familyand can be downloaded free from AppleApp Store for iPhone and iPad.Mobile browser Opera Mini offersdifferent experience when surfing the webto complement the browser and iPhone iPadwhich has been available. Features compression almost90% of the traffic data to obtainspeed and cost-effective will notmake users lose patiencewhile in the network connectionslow internet, or when roaming.For users who have iPhones 4,Opera Mini 6 can adapt inhigh resolution and changes inuser interface (UI) foraccommodate the size of the screen.As for users of the iPad, the browserOpera Mini version 6 will change the displaybecome more comfortable for the tablet."I would compare it withwalked onto the stage and hearrumbling sound the audience, "says CEOOpera, Lars Boilesen, whendescribe his feelings when OperaMini 6 is available on the App Store inofficial statement on Wednesday (25/05/2011)."We've held a lot of practice andwas ready to try the experiencenew. Opera Mini browser is always appropriatedate when the download page, andnow browsing becomes more subtle andeasy, "he concluded.Opera Mini 6 for the IOS claims fasterand smooth in moving andzoom (zoom), which makes theusers get amore details for each page, inone smooth motion.In addition, Opera Mini 6 also showsbutton to share to share sitesthat you like on your friends at MyOpera, Facebook, Twitter or yourRussian social networking directly vKontakteof its browser.Behind the stage, the engineers Operahave changed the browser becomes morefaster and lighter. Navigate tofast, even on large web pages,for instant access. In IOS, the browserOpera Mini is registered as a downloadersingle for all the IOS device.

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