Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
Osama Bin Laden Still Life
ISLAMABAD - Pakistani Taliban Leaderclaimed that Osama Bin Laden stilllife. Parties to assess the allegations ofTalibanBin Laden's death is very unfounded.Previously President of the United StatesBarack Obama sure that BinLaden was killed in an operationU.S. military in the area of Abbottabad,Pakistan. The leader of terrorist network alQaeda was killed in a rawshoot.As reported by Bloomberg, Tuesday(05/03/2011), claim that Osama Bin Ladenstill life, raised byPakistan's Taliban leadershiptheir mengirimkanpernyataanGEO TV Pakistan Television.Osama Bin Laden declared dead inbattle when a small team of U.S. militaryattacking a small houseAbbotabbad. The U.S. itself hasensure that Bin Laden waswas killed after performing a DNA test.Claims about Osama Bin Laden stillThis of course can lead to lifeconfusion. Apart from the alreadythe release of the results of DNA testing bythe U.S..As quoted from Arrahmah.com,Commander Wali Rahman, aMujahideen commander in Pakistan,stated that Sheikh Osama binLadin is still alive and are inhealthy condition."I did not meet directlywith Sheikh Osama, but I canclearly confirms the truththat Sheikh Osama bin Laden stillalive and in good condition, "saidWali Rahman in a video statementGuest drawn from Islamic forumAnsar, quoting the BBC Arabic newsbroadcast.
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