Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
Peugeot EX 1 Fastest Electric Car World
For the first time in history, the French car manufacturer,Peugeot, successfully broke the world record at the famous racetrackNurbugring, Germany.Interestingly, the record is not obtained by usingconventional-engined cars, but with car conceptelectricity. EX1.Peugeot EX1 broke the record with the time difference to50 seconds compared to the previous record.Peugeot's record-breaking is done with the concept EX1rider named Stephane Caillet. To break the recordCaillet bring this concept Peugeot EX1 handle links by the averagevelocityaverage 138.324 km / hour.With this achievement, Peugeot EX1 also managed to snatchpredicateasthe fastest electric car on the track of Nurburgring-Nordschleife.Peugeot concept EX1 scored just 9 minutes 1.388 secondsto devour the Nurburgring-Nordschleife track that tracks along20.8 miles.The previous record for an electric vehicle is 9:51:45dibubukan by Mini E Race in 2010.EX1 is a car two-seater roadster thatfront grille combines "floating "and the flowing contours of the concept of SR1.While the kitchen pacunya filled by two electric motorseach motor has the power to 125 kW. So ifcombined power of this car can reach 250 kW, equivalentwith 340 hp with maximum torque of 480 Nm (354 lb-ft).
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