Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Samsung Want to See the iPhone 5 and iPad 3

Legal battlerelatedpatents between Samsungand Apple continues. After the judgegives right to the Apple toview the latest product prototype Samsung,now turn to the South Korean vendorswho insisted on seeing a prototype5 and 3 iPhone Apple's iPad.Samsung sure, if they allowedsee the iPhone 5 and 3 before the official IPADreleased, this opportunity will be slightlyhelp the central legal issuesfaced. But Samsung mobile did not elaborateclearly about the reasons of this.Last week, a court that handlesboth cases ordered Samsungsubmit a variety of instruments toApple, among others Droid Charge, infusion4G, Galaxy and Galaxy II S 10.1-inch Taband 8.9-inch. Thus, Apple maydecide what Samsung productsin the case of this law.Reported by Gadgets and Gizmos and citeddetikINET on Monday (5/30/2011), untilThis stage is not known whether the productApple patent is violated or not.And Samsung was apparently not onlyrequest will wait to seeiPhone iPad 5 and 3 granted.

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