Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Toyota Afro Most Wanted America

LOS ANGELES-Toyota turns to beThe most popular car brand residentsAfrican descent in America. AlongIn 2010, African Americanbuy new cars or 7.4 641.090percent of sales across the countryUncle Sam.Of 641.090 vehicles purchased,as much as 15 percent comes from Toyota,Ford's second position is occupied by 11.7percent, as quoted Okezone ofAutoblog, on Monday (02/05/2011).From the release of a research instituterevealed RKPolk was also revealed in the third position11.4 percent are Chevrolet, Honda11.3 percent, 5.6 percent Hyundari, Kia 4.2percent, 4.2 percent Kia, Dodge 4.2 percent,GMC 4.0 percent, 2.8 percent GMC, andVolkwagen 2.2 percent.U.S. Census Bureau predictsAfro Americans will increase25 percent in 2030. In2010 alone, sales of the AfroAmerica rose 11.5 percent comparedin 2009.This sharp increase rather thansales to non-ethnic market amounted to 6.8percent. "With the increasesignificant African Americanis an attractive segment formanufacturing development opportunitiesautomotive, "says a strategist of the productPolk, Marc Bland.

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