Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Valentino Rossi Motor Auctions Again

California, Yamaha YZF-R1 whose designs are inspired fromMotoGP rider Valentino Rossi willimmediately enter the auction hall. Thismotorexpected to conduct terlelang withprices of more than U.S. $ 30,000 orapproximately USD256.2 million.This motor is actually already beenauctioned offin November last year, butwill re-enter the auction on May 142011 at the Quail Lodge in CaramelValley, California by Bonhams asauction firm.Graphic design was created by Don motorEmde which is also the Project Leaderand the winner of the Daytona 200 racein 1972 and executed by Aldo Drudi.Helmet graphics are often used to imitateby The Doctor. This is not surprisingbecause that is the Paolo Bacchiarelloone AGV helmet designers also turned outalso participated in the team that makesthis motor."Only with the improvement, the value ofmotornearly $ 30,000, and that's without lookingimportance of project and engagementRossi, "Bonhams said in a statement Thursday(05/05/2011).This motorcycle personallysigned by Rossi. And forpambelinya, Yamaha will providerace courses a day at YamahaChampions Riding School.As with previous auctions, the resultsfrom this auction will be used for charity.The proceeds from this auction will be takentoAfrica to buy drugsrequired.

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