Rabu, 04 Mei 2011
Volkswagen Polo Car Most Secure in Japan
GENERALLY automotive manufacturers oftentesting each productbefore marketing it. Onetesting is carried out testcollision. The test is performed asmeasure the extent to which the securitylevelforriders.Such testing has been donefamous car manufacturer, Volswagen.Through its products Volkswagen Polo,The German manufacturer proveas a formidable product in Japan andEurope.Volkswagen Polo dubbedImports of vehicles the best in the Japanesemarketafterassessed by the NCAP (New CarAssessment Programme) Japanese versionafter the collision tests conducted.Results from testing accident analysisperformed showing the load onhead, neck, chest, upper legs and feetlower can be overcome by goodto minimize further injuryfatal.Polo get a rating of 4 out of 5 starsgiven. In this model alsofound that the brake function isfunctioning properly. Polo is also movingwell in dry and wet tracks.From a speed of 100 km / h, Polo noteddistance of 39.5 meters and 40.8 meters.
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