Senin, 06 Juni 2011
9 Allergy Myths Debunked
9 Allergy Myths Debunked RagweedingThrough theTop9 AllergyMythsAllergy seasonis at its worstin 10 years,meaning lots of itchy eyes, runny noses andwheezing lungs for the 93 million U.S.allergy sufferers out there."We are seeing a mini-crisis in New YorkCity, among other U.S. cities, due to heavywinter and early spring precipitation thathas caused more early, and sustained treeand grass pollens in many areas," said Dr.Clifford Bassett, clinical assistant professorof medicine at the NYU School of Medicineand medical director of Allergy and AsthmaCare of New York. "Secondary, we haveseen a steady rise in pollen levels in manyareas."But with all the information available onseasonal allergies, many people are stillconfused by the myths and facts aboutallergy suffering and relief."Patients frequently blame the cause oftheir allergy symptoms on the wrongthing," said Dr. Stanley Fineman, clinicalassistant professor in the division of allergyat Emory University School of Medicine inAtlanta. "It is important for patientssuffering from allergies to find out exactlywhat is triggering their symptoms."So, here are nine common allergy mythsthat are often confused as facts.1. Myth: Only take medication whenshowing symptoms of an allergy attack.Experts say most allergy medications workbest if they are already in the person'ssystem or immediately after exposure,even if the person has shown no allergicsymptoms."For patients with asthma and allergicrhinitis, allergic inflammation in the airwayscan be present even if the person can't feelit," said Dr. James Li, chair of the allergydivision at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn."It's there smoldering. But it's clear that,for patients with asthma, daily treatmentcan reduce the risk of asthma attacks."Even though a person might suffer from lowlevels of symptoms, as the seasonprogresses, Li said, a person canexperience complete obstruction of thenasal passage if it goes untreated."By that time, it's almost too late to take amedication," he said.2. Myth: If you use one brand of allergymedication, you build a tolerance and itwill stop working."This one comes up all the time," Li said."If someone has significant allergies, theymay take a medication and it seems to behelping, but then the person develops moreallergy trouble and they conclude that theydeveloped a tolerance to the medication."Li said allergic reactions wax and wane withtime. When symptoms are mild, manypeople believe their allergy medication isstronger and works better."Allergy symptoms progress, not because aperson has built tolerance to themedication, but their allergies have gottenworse or exposure to the allergen hasincreased," Li said.3. Myth: Allergy shots only work inchildren.Experts say allergy shots, orimmunotherapy, have nothing to do withage and can offer relief at any time. Theshots contain just enough of an allergen tostimulate the immune system, but notenough to cause an allergic reaction.With each session, doctors increase theamount of allergen in the shot. The idea isfor a person to build up a tolerance to thespecific allergen over time.Allergy Myths Debunked"Although symptomatic medications mayhelp some patients with seasonal allergies,allergen immunotherapy or allergy shotsare the only treatment that changes anallergic patient's immune sensitivity to thetriggering allergen," Emory's Fineman said."Allergen immunotherapy can help patientsbuild a tolerance to the allergens andprovide long-term relief, even after theinjections are discontinued."4. Myth: Flowers are a leading allergyirritant.Stop blaming the flowers. They're pretty tolook at and, experts say, it's probably notyour flowerbed that is causing your runnynose and itchy eyes.Allergies are primarily caused by wind-pollinated plants; flowers are generallyreproduced by insects. Flower pollen ismuch larger than pollen that comes fromtrees. Tree pollen can be spread throughthe air, which can then be breathed in byhumans and cause those miserablereactions."This notion comes up because flowershave pollen that is highly visible," said Li."But that pollen does not become airborneand there are not high concentrations of itin the air, like the pollens from trees,grasses and ragweed."5. Myth: Eat the local honey and youwon't get seasonal allergies.The idea makes sense. Honey is made bybees. Bees are carriers of pollen, so bits ofpollen may get into the honey. Eat the localhoney and you may build up a tolerance tothose allergens, as a whole. But experts saythis is wishful thinking."Honeybees pollinate larger flowers," saidDr. Michael Daines, an allergist andimmunologist at the University of ArizonaSchool of Medicine in Tucson. "Theseflowers produce large sticky grains ofpollen that adhere to the bee. Large stickygrains of pollen don't get in the air webreathe, so they don't cause allergies. Soeven if local honey had enough pollen in itto desensitize your allergies, it would bethe wrong kind of pollen.""Most importantly, this has been studied inclinical trials that show that there is noeffect of unpasteurized locally made honeyon allergies," Daines added.6. Myth: If you didn't have allergies as achild, you're in the clear as an adult.Sorry folks, but even if you've lived anallergy-free life so far, it is indeed possiblefor you to develop allergic reactions inadulthood.9 Allergy Myths Debunked
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