Senin, 06 Juni 2011
Arizona Forest Fire Triggers New Evacuation Orders
Arizona Forest Fire Triggers New Evacuation Orders AuthoritiesorderedmoreeasternArizonaresidents toevacuatetheir homes Sunday as a 225-square-mileblaze that has grown into the third-largestin state history crept toward morebuildings.The Apache County sheriff's office told anunknown number of people east of thetown of Alpine along U.S. Highway 180 toget out as the forest fire crept closer.Alpine itself has been under mandatoryevacuation orders since Thursday night,along with the community of Nutrioso andseveral lodges and camps in the scenic highcountry.Subdivisions close to the New Mexicoborder that were ordered emptied Sundayincluded Escudilla Mountain Estates,Bonita, Dog Patch, and the H-V Ranch eastof Highway 180, fire information officer EricNeitzel said.People packed up their belongings assmoke covered the mountain vacationtowns in a smoky fog, and wind blew smokefrom the burning pine forest well intonearby New Mexico and Colorado.Arizona Forest Fire Triggers New Evacuation Orders
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