Jumat, 17 Juni 2011

Court Docs Detail Arrest of Ex-IMF Leader in NYC

Court Docs Detail Arrest ofEx-IMF Leader in NYC Courtdocumentsdetail eventsleadingup toarrest of ex-IMF leader inNYC sexassault caseDominique Strauss-Kahn declared he haddiplomatic immunity and complained thathis handcuffs were too tight after he wastaken into custody on allegations he triedto rape a Manhattan hotel maid, courtdocuments filed Thursday show.The documents filed by prosecutorsprovide a chronology of statements leadingto the arrest of the former leader of theInternational Monetary Fund, who wastaken into custody by Port Authority policeat John F. Kennedy International Airport onMay 14 as he tried to leave on a Paris-bound flight.One of his attorneys, Benjamin Brafman,said Thursday he had no comment.Strauss-Kahn, who is free on $1 million bailunder house arrest at a luxury townhouse,maintains he did not attack the maid atSofitel hotel.The new court documents describe Strauss-Kahn seemingly confused as he is taken intocustody."What is this about?" Strauss-Kahnrepeatedly asked detectives, according tothe documents.He asked detectives whether he needs anattorney, responded to questions aboutwhether he is hungry (at one point sayinghe would "like some eggs") andcomplained about his handcuffs, thedocuments say."Manhattan detectives need to speak withyou about an incident in a hotel room,"responded one detective as they go fromthe airport to the Manhattan Special VictimsSquad on May 14 at about 5:15 p.m., thedocuments say."Then I need to make a call and let themknow I won't be at my meeting tomorrow,"Strauss-Kahn told the detective. Then headded, "These handcuffs are tight."French politicians and citizens were upsetabout images of a handcuffed Strauss-Kahnas police walked him in front of a crowd ofcameras on May 15 as he was taken from apolice precinct to court to face charges ofattempted rape and sexual abuse. Suchimages would be illegal in his Frenchhomeland.The account begins with Strauss-Kahncalling May 14 — apparently at or on hisway to the airport — to employees at thehotel to tell them he had left his phone inhis luxury room after checking out.About 9 p.m. that evening, after previouslydeclaring he had diplomatic immunity,Strauss-Kahn tells a detective that he wouldlike to call his lawyer and asks for his cellphone."We're going to have to wait for thedetectives to come back," the detectivesays. "I don't have access to your phone.""Do I need a lawyer?" Strauss-Kahn asks."It is your right to have one in this countryif you want," the detective replied. "I don'tknow if you have some kind of diplomaticstatus.""No, no, no, I'm not trying to use that. Ijust want to know if I need a lawyer,"Strauss-Kahn said."That is up to you," the detective says.Strauss-Kahn was formally placed underarrest about 2:45 a.m. on May 15,according to the documents. Court Docs Detail Arrest ofEx-IMF Leader in NYC

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