Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Glen Campbell Reveals He Has Alzheimer's

Glen Campbell Reveals HeHas Alzheimer's Countrymusic iconGlenCampbellhas beendiagnosed withAlzheimer'sdisease,thesinger and hiswife revealed Wednesday, prompting the"Rhinestone Cowboy" to plan a farewelltour."Glen is still an awesome guitar player andsinger," the musician's wife, Kim Campbell,told People magazine. "But if he flubs alyric or gets confused onstage, I wouldn'twant people to think, 'What's the matterwith him? Is he drunk?'"Campell goes on tour this fall to supportwhat his website touts as his final studioalbum, called "Ghost on the Canvas".Campbell, 75, was diagnosed six monthsago with the degenerative disease.Alzheimer's symptoms typically surfacewhen a person is in their late 70s and early80s. By age 85, 30 to 50 percent of adultsshow signs of the disease.Campbell's career spans five decades. He'shad 81 songs on the charts and has madehis mark on music history with such hits as"Rhinestone Cowboy" and "Galveston."Even though he said he's coming to termswith his disease, Campbell said he wantedto embark on one final tour for his fans, tosay thanks."I still love performing for my fans," hesaid. "I'd like to thank them for stickingwith me through thick and thin." Glen Campbell Reveals HeHas Alzheimer's

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