Rabu, 01 Juni 2011
Indonesia Can Login Pirates Task Force International
After training CooperatioanAfloat Readiness and Training (CARAT)2011, Commodore D. Welch said the TNIAL has the potential to get into the Task Forceinternational pirates. According to Welch,Navy has the ability to do so.Previously Commodore Welch explainedexercise pirates crackdownincluded in CARAT 2011. Practice VisitBoard and Search seizure (VBSS), theconducted at the KRI Imam Bonjol."The main goal is to perform the proceduresafe to bring guests to the boat.Then also run trainingpencarianpenuh with training ship. Wesucceeded in dividing tactics or conductsearch process conducted bycongratulations, "said Commodore Welch, Sunday(05/29/2011).Welch said the U.S. troops who participatedand in this VBSS exercise claimcapabilities and procedures performedNavy similar to the U.S. Navy."The whole exercise went smoothly, andall troops returning from the U.S. NavyThe exercises were satisfied and impressedwith exercise. They also assessIndonesia is the same procedure performedconducted by the U.S., "said Welch.Welch added, when Navy forcesdecreased in five regions of the fleet,they join the task force(Task force) is a multinational taskforce 151. Task force or task force of anti-This was followed by a few piratescountries."I know the Navy is also sendingfleet in the task force (151)although officially signed inThis organization, through this exercise canfacilitate their path tojoin the task forcemultinational. This is due to the procedurewhich is run by the Navy not fardifferent from the U.S. Navy, "said CommodoreWelch."I believe by looking at exercise andprocedure performed, the Navy canjoin the international forceanti-piracy and could be veryeffective, "he said.Responding to the assessment of Commodore Welch,the Navy is still not precisely assessable to join the Task Force151. "If possible to joinnot yet yes, we will be more tosharing (experience) first, "said Lt. Col.Double Wilaga.While the participation of terrorism,Navy claimed to already have the StandardOperating Procedure (SOP). For now,According to Lt. Col. Navy Doubles onlyexchange of experience."As has been done by the CommandFrog Force (Kopaska). They indeedmore practice tactics. So the more technicalfield, including address anddeal with a threat experiencedby a ship that was hijacked. AndThis has been completed (trained) in Kopaskayesterday. (Saturday, 05/28/2011), "according toLieutenant Colonel Double.
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