Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Barriers to the adoption of electronic health records: using concept mapping to develop a comprehensive empirical model

The study attempts to unify prior research and develop a comprehensive, empirically based conceptual model of the barriers to EHR adoption among community physicians. The model uses concept mapping, which taps the shared expertise of a group and provides reliable estimates with relatively small sample sizes. The methodology includes brainstorming of barrier statements and sorting and rating of issue statements. The model illuminates the larger structure of barriers as well as the finer details of constituent issues. Core issues are standardization and interoperability;
also important are technical issues and the cost—benefit of adopting EHRs. However, psychosocial issues, the main focus of diffusion research, seem relatively peripheral. We believe the development of this model is an important first step in creating effective and measurable interventions that enhance the adoption of EHRs in healthcare. Key Words: community physicians • concept mapping • diffusion of innovations • EHR adoption • empirical modeling Arun Vishwanath, PhD MBA;avishy@buffalo.edu and Susan D. Scamurra, MBA; Western New York Health IT -Community Tracking

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