Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

The electroencephalography of chronically headache patients in Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta

One hundred seventy four cases of 9-63 year old patients with chronical headache were reported. One hundred and twelve cases (64.37%) were examined by electroencephalography from April 1, 1986 to March 31, 1987. The EEG of 51 (29.31%) patients were normal, 44 (25.29%) with irratation pattern and 17 (9.77%) with hypofunction. It is suggested that the irratation pattern in chronical headache needed more attention in order to know the etimology and the location in intracranial lesion. Key words: chronical headache-electroencephalography- irritation pattern-intracranial lesion- show wave focus. Sri Sutarni, Pernodjo Dahlan & Sri Witono