Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

The histopathological diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma as to be confirmed with the management of the patient

Rappaport non-Hodgkin lymphoma classification is well known, by pathologists and clinicians. This classification is based on the morphology of tumor cells. Lukes and Collins classification, and also Lennert classification are new non-Hodgkin lymphoma classifications. These clasification are based on morphology , basic function of tumor cells and the clinical application. However, there are some differences between Rappaport classification, Lukes and Collins classification and Lennert classification. To compromise the differences of the classifications, there is working classification of non-Hodgkin lymphoma which is used for clinical diagnosis. It is important to disecuss then non-Hodgkin lymphoma classifications becaused each classification has its own basis. The basic classification of non-Hodgkin lymphoma is useful for specialists based on their specialtries; Lennert classification and Lukes and Collins classification are the applicable classification of non-Hidgkin lymphoma for pathologists and clinicians, while Rappaport classification is more useful for pathologists. Keywords: non-Hodgkin lymphoma-histopathological diagnosis of lymphoma- basic function of tumor cells- leucaemia- Sezary's syndrome. Soeripto