Sabtu, 23 April 2011
20 Ancient Ship Found Sri Lanka
COLOMBO - National ArchaeologicalDepartment of Sri Lanka have foundpart of the 20 ships in the ancientsouth of the country, according to aarchaeologist.Sanath Karunarathne, an archaeologistwith the National ArchaeologicalDepartment says kalaubagian-part of the ancient ship was foundwhen they are conducting surveysmarine archeology in the coastal areasouth.As quoted from People's DailyOnline, on Saturday (23/04/2011), Karunaratnesaid that they also couldtrack the location of the ruins of an ancient shipis close to the portGodavaya in the district of Hambantota.Karunaratne said that thefrom the ruins of the ship mayaged more than 2 thousand years.Marine archaeological survey was conducted byNational Archeological Department ofin cooperation with the Central Cultural Fund.Detailed information on this discoverywill be revealed next few months.
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