Senin, 18 April 2011
Google launches Voice Recognition in Chrome
AFP - Jakarta,Google continuesinject innovation inChrome browser. OneThe only interesting,namely presenting featurevoice recognition orvoice recognition inthese browsers.It says Google,Chrome 11 equippedwith support for HTML input speech API.Google claimswith this feature, developers can provideweb applicationswhouse voice feature. For example,applications such as GoogleTranslator, so that it can transcribe voice tousersin the form of text."We Chrome beta update channel with somenew capabilities, especially for webdevelopers. From HTMLSpeech Incubator Group, we added supportfor HTMLspeech input APIs, "Google said in his blog,quoted,Monday (4/18/2011).This feature has actually been introducedsince March 22, 2011,but Google has not officially launch it. Later,when the user wants to utilize this feature,they stayclicking an icon, and then talk to thecomputer throughmicrophone.Furthermore, the recorded voice will beprocessed to the speech server,for then transcribed and sent back to usersin the form of text.
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