Selasa, 19 April 2011

Honeycomb, All Tablets Android 'Mandatory Use'

Asus Eee PadTransformer will be one tabletThe first - if not the most first- That presents a tablet with the systemHoneycomb Android operating in Indonesia.Before discussing the matter furtherthese devices, let's first spy likewhat is Honeycomb.Since the first screen, Honeycomb soonshows the difference with 'kakak'-him. Android OS is present minimuswith typical layout tablets.In general, the main screen Honeycombdivided into three areas: system bar, actionbar and the main screen.Bar SystemSystem bar is an area at thebottom of the screen that covers the main keypad,notification and status.The main button is meant is Back,Home and Recent Apps. Android Userscertainly already familiar with the Back button andHome, each useful for'Return to the previous screen' (back) anddisplays the Home Screen.Well, the Recent Apps is a new button inHoneycomb is useful forfeaturing several new applicationsonly accessible to users. If the touch (tap)will appear last of five applicationsopened, complete with names andthumbnail view last.On the right side is the location for the System Barnotification and status. Not separated from theThis is the clock. Then therebattery status and connectivity (eg,WiFi, Bluetooth or other).Other Notifications also emerged is thatassociated with the application. For example, if the titlenew messages into Gmail, it willraised there. This area will alsoshowing such things as statusdownload applications from the Android Market.Action BarAction bar at the top of the screen andis transparent. On the Home Screen,This section displays the Google Search(Complete with Voice Search button),Apps button (to display listapplications) as well as the + button to adjustHome Screen view.When running the application, this areawill display the menu could be appropriatecontext of the currently running applications.In the default browser, this area becamethe tabs and menus. On the Market, this areacan contain a search box, shortcuts to MyApps Apps to categories that arevisits.Home ScreenThe main part of the Honeycombscreen size. Honeycomb appearancefeel more relieved than Androidpreviously. In addition to the Asus screenTransformer, this is because the resolutionsupported by a 'honeycomb' is indeedgreater.HomeScreen on Honeycomb can be filled byvarious widgets and shortcuts toapplication. The arrangement is based on the grid,so that it looks more tidy.Another interesting feature of Android isLive Wallpapers. On Honeycomb, LiveWallpapers also available to securitiesmore indulgent eye.Live Wallpaper that had testedAsus detikINET on this Transformeris Maps and My Water. Maps willmap showing the location of the user withdata from Google Maps.While My Water will displaysurface water with ice chunksfloats on top. Surface waterwill be skewed according to the position of the tablet, whereasreflect the water surface elevationdevice battery status.To set the Widget, Shortcut,Wallpaper and other users cantouching the + button at the top right of the HomeTouch screen or a blank area HomeScreen for some time.ApplicationsAndroidMarket: One of the applicationsThe most significant changes areAndroid Market. This time it looksequipped with a main screenshows some applications preferredthe top.One thing that is interesting from the Marketis there a price tag in Rupiah.Android Market will automaticallydisplays the approximate price of aapplication in Rupiah.Browser: As I had mentioned,Honeycomb browser has the lookmulti-tabs. Some of its features include'Incognito' browsing without carrying aliashistory.Because of relatively still new, not yetmany applications for Honeycomb aavailable. Some applications are quite capable ofmeets the screen, including the game series AngryBirds are popular.But quite a lot of applications that feelsawkward because it does not support the resolutionbig screen. This resulted in the applicationappears as a small boxcenter / edge of a black screen.But not to worry, the problem anywaywill be overcome if more and moredevelopers who develop applicationsfor Honeycomb.ConclusionEventhough it tasted detikINETHoneycomb is relatively short, the impression ofThis usage is enough toconcluded that the tablets Androidanything that will go to marketshould at least use the Android OSHoneycomb.Fromthe side view, features and comfortHoneycomb appears as the ideal OS.Surely must be supported by the abilityhardware is capable, the one thing that hasAsus filled Transformer.

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