Sabtu, 09 April 2011

HTC outperform Nokia & RIM's Stock Exchange

TAIPEI - Taiwan-based HTC mobile phone vendor managed tooutperformNokia andResearch In Motion RIM) in terms of stock valueTaiwan stocks rise following overall by 1.69percent.Yahoo News reported on Thursday (04/07/2011), HTC's sharevalue rose5.26 percent, bringing the total value of company stock intoUSD33, 8 billion. This figure is higher than Nokia's$ 32 notes, 84 billion and RIM (USD28, 5 billion).Increase in value of these shares is believed to be the impact ofeffortsJapan's economic recovery after the earthquake and tsunami-March 11ago."Japan will inject a lot of money for financial systemthus attracting more foreign investors return to marketdeveloped such as South Korea and Taiwan, "said RobertHsieh, assistant vice president of financial firm Shin KongFinancial.Unlike many Android devices, HTC superiorthanks to the unique design of hardware and software setcompany. In addition, some analysts also judge that the HTCmove quickly in adopting new trends and createunique device.Goldman Sachs analyst for Robert Chen predicts that HTCwill ship approximately 200 million mobile phones and 30 millioncomputerstablets each year in three to five years into the future."This discourse reflects the position of superior and HTCallows the company to dredge the advantage of the trendconvergence of broadband, the potential for significant growthin developing markets, as well as product roadmap andpromotionbrand that will continue to improve the preference amongglobal customers, "said Chen.

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