Kamis, 21 April 2011

Prototype iPhone 4 White Leaks on the Internet

Photos and videoclaimed as4white iPhone prototypecrowded discussed variousblogs and technology sites.Bocorannya Like what?Is Tinhte, atech site inVietnam's firstmelansirnya times. Soon, photos and video spreadsand more enliven rumors of the arrival of the iPhone 4 whiteexpected shortly.Reported by Ars Technica and quoted on Thursday (20/04/2011)from multiple view images and videos that are postedTinhte, indicating that the prototype has a flash64GB storage.This capacity is doubled from 4 white 32GB iPhone that reportedlyVerizon operator will go on sale in April. For information,before the emergence of rumors that Verizon, Senior VicePresidentGlobalApple Marketing Phil Schiller first blowThis news via Twitter."White iPhone will be available this spring," he said intweet of his time.One of the videos that are posted Tinhte show performanceThe prototype uses the OS that is claimed to be IOS 4.0.Chris Foresman of Ars Technica notes thatThe phone displays the user interface is very different fromIOS 4.0.No doubt, there is new speculation that the OS used is yagIOS preview 5. But according to Foresman and Vlad Savov fromEngadget, this opinion is disputed."Probably we're seeing unreleased versionIOS 4 early on, "said both.

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