Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Calon kuat Ketua Umum PPNI SUMBAR Priode 2010-2015

Muaro sijunjung, 18 Maret 2011

Setelah pemaparan yang sistematis dan terinci oleh Ketua Umum yang masa jabatanya malam ini berakhir membuat seluruh peserta yang hadir di Aula Hotel Sahid Bukik Gadang berdecak kagum. Menurut pemaparanya, awal tahun 2006 beliau mulai memimpin, keuangan PPNI SUMBAR minus dan bahkan berutang. Tahun 2011 ini telah memiliki saldo Rp 55.000.000 atas nama PPNI dan Kami

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

The recall ( recall) of a car is not just happening in the car ' normal ' course. Evidence , Jaguar has just attracted more than 6 . 000 units of Jaguar XK and XF because it has a problem . As quoted from page detikOto cars . com , Friday ( 18 / 3 / 2011 ) 6 . 085 units that newfangled Jaguar XK sports car and a newfangled XF sedan had to be in drag because there are problems in the power - steering system . Problems with the power - steering include long- term problem . Because the pipe that connects the steering Jaguar indicated susceptible to corrosion . So that over time can cause fluid by seeping out and causing loss of function of this power - steering. In a document submitted to the Traffic Safety Board and the American Highway or National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) , Jaguar said power assist steering ( pas) are assembled using zinc - nickel plate which may not provide corrosion protection . Loss of function of the power steering will make the car more difficult to be steered so that according to American safety agency it could cause an accident . Power - steering fluid can also lead to a fire in the car . Recall that done by the Jaguars in two car this is not the first time. Because in July last year they also recall that the two car models because it has a potential problem in the fuel system.

Panduan Tes Kesehatan Sesuai Usia

Sangatlah penting untuk melalukan medical check up secara teratur. Dengan begitu, Anda dapat memonitor kesehatan tubuh Anda dan dapat segera menangani penyakit sesegera mungkin.

Berikut ini panduan tes kesehatan sesuai usia untuk seluruh keluarga:

Dari lahir s/d 2 tahun

  1. Riwayat kesehatan
    Termasuk juga di dalamnya riwayat keluarga dan riwayat medis. Informasi ini berguna untuk menentukan penyakit yang mungkin timbul saat anak dewasa.
  2. Periksakan TBC
    Karena sistem imun anak belum tumbuh dengan sempurna, maka mereka adalah sasaran empuk infeksi (termasuk TBC). Namun tidak usah khawatir karena gejala TBC cukup terlihat. Contohnya saja seperti berat badan menurun dan nafsu makan berkurang.
  3. Mengukur tinggi, berat badan, dan lingkar kepala
    Lakukanlah pemeriksaan berkala setiap 6 bulan sekali untuk memantau tumbuh kembangnya.
  4. Tes pendengaran
    Lakukanlah tes ini saat usia si kecil 1,5 tahun. Pada banyak kasus, tidak dilakukannya pemeriksaan secara dini menyebabkan masalah pendengaran terlambat diketahui.
  5. Tes darah usia 9 hingga 12 bulan
    Khususnya bagi anak dengan resiko anemia dan kelainan darah lainnya.

2 s/d 6 tahun

  1. Pengukuran tinggi dan berat badan
    Lakukanlah kedua hal ini setiap tahun.
  2. Pemeriksaan tekanan darah mulai usia 3 tahun.
    Karena dikhawatirkan anak-anak usia remaja dapat menderita hipertensi remaja.
  3. Pemeriksaan mata
    Lakukanlah pemeriksaan ini saat anak berusia 3 hingga 4 tahun. Jika dibiarkan, masalah mata pada anak dapat menimbulkan masalah serius yang umumnya sering menimbulkan sakit kepala, rendahnya prestasi sekolah, serta gangguan serius lainnya.
  4. Pemeriksaan gigi

7 s/d 12 tahun

  1. Pengukuran tinggi dan berat badan
  2. Pemeriksaan tekanan darah

13 s/d 18 tahun

  1. Pengukuran tinggi dan berat badan.
    Bagi remaja yang beresiko, lengkapilah pemeriksaan darah dan kolesterol.
  2. Lakukanlah pemeriksaan testis untuk pria.
    Pemeriksaan ini dilakukan untuk memeriksa hernia dan ketumbuhan yang abnormal.

19 s/d 39 tahun

  1. Pemeriksaan testis untuk pria.
  2. Pemeriksaan pap smear untuk wanita.
    Tes ini harus dilakukan secara berkala setiap tahunnya. Seorang wanita mulai dari usia 18 tahun atau saat seorang wanita mulai aktif secara seksual harus melakukan pemeriksaan ini. Pemeriksaan ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi kanker serviks. Setelah tiga kali dites dan hasilnya normal, dokter Anda mungkin akan memperjarang pemeriksaan pap smear Anda.
  3. Pemeriksaan payudara untuk wanita
    Lakukanlah setiap bulan, khususnya pada hari ke-5 setelah dimulainnya menstruasi.
  4. Pemeriksaan payudara secara klinis
    Lakukanlah pemeriksaan ini setiap 3 tahun sekali mulai saat Anda berusia 20 tahun.
  5. Pemeriksaan kolesterol
    Dilakukan setidaknya 5 tahun sekali.

40 s/d 49 tahun

  1. Pemeriksaan tekanan darah (lakukan setiap tahun)
  2. Pemeriksaan payudara dan mamografi secara klinis untuk wanita
    Lakukanlah pemeriksaan ini setiap tahun, ditunjang dengan pemeriksaan payudara sendiri setiap bulan.
  3. Pemeriksaan pelvis atau pap smear untuk wanita
    Lakukanlah pemeriksaan ini setiap 1 hingga 3 tahun sekali.
  4. Tes antigen khusus prostat
    Pemeriksaan ini sangat penting dilakukan oleh pria yang memiliki riwayat kanker dalam keluarga, mulai usia 40 tahun.
  5. Tes urin (lakukanlah setiap 1 hingga 2 tahun)
  6. Monitor gula darah
    Pemeriksaan ini penting untuk menghindari hiperglikemia atau diabetes.
  7. Tes densitas tulang untuk wanita
    Lakukanlah pemeriksaan ini saat dimulainya menepause untuk mendeteksi osteoporosis.
  8. Pemeriksaan kolesterol (setidaknya 5 tahun sekali).
  9. Electrocardiogram (ECG)


Pembukaan Musprov ke 5 PPNI SUMBAR

Muaro Sijunjung, 18 Maret 2011.

Sebanyak 150 orang peserta yang hadir untuk mengikuti pembukaan Musyawarah provinsi (Musprov) yang diselenggarakan di Kabupaten Sijunjung berjalan dengan meriah. Musprov dihadiri oleh Bupati dan Anggota DPRD Komisi 3 Kabupaten Sijunjung serta para undangan dan anggota PPNI dari berbagai kabupaten/kota seluruh provinsi Sumatera Barat.

Melalui Musprov kita
CALIFORNIA - A series of independent tests reveal , it turns out Android- based smart phone has faster internet access speeds of up to 52 percent compared to the iPhone 4 which is supported IOS 4 . 3 . Thus the results of trials published in a Canadian software company , Blaze Software, as reported by Computer World , Friday (18 / 3 / 2011 ) . Blaze compare smart phone speed Nexus S , backed Android operating system 2 . 3 and using the Chrome browser , the iPhone 4 which uses the Safari browser and is supported IOS 4 . 3 . As a result , Nexus managed to open a web page within 2 , 144 sec. Meanwhile , the iPhone requires 3 , 254 seconds . The test is done over and over - back by using a wireless connection and 3 G wireless. Android phones featuring faster performance than the iPhone 4 in the opening 84 percent of the total 1 . 000 sites were prepared for the test . From 1 . 000 sites tested , 175 of which are specific sites that are accessible via mobile . iPhone repair time record in opening the mobile web page to 39 percent , while Android fix records time up to 8 percent . Still, Android is still able to access the Internet with Web and mobile version is faster than the iPhone 4 .,
WASHINGTON - The United States military through the U . S . Central Command (CENTCOM ) to spy on users of social networking activities with using a false identity . Yes , CENTCOM had hired Ntrepid service , a software firm from California, to create 500 fake online identity . The contract is worth USD 2 , 76 million was mentioned, Ntrepid must provide false identities with " includes background, history, supporting details , and the existence of a consistent cyber technically , culturally , and geographically . " Fake profiles will be handled through a terminal operator and able to communicate through standard electronic communication methods. Meanwhile , his workstation will run a VPN with an IP address that is always changing. " This technology supports the activities of secret blogging on foreign sites for CENTCOM could anticipate the extremists and the propaganda of the enemy outside the continental U . S . , " said spokesman Bill CENTCOM Commander told the Guardian , Friday (18 / 3 / 2011 ) . Still, he insists , this operation will not run against U . S . citizens , because the action was illegal .
FLORIDA - NASA introduced the first human robot , which was launched into space by space shuttle Discovery , two weeks ago . The astronauts on the international space station finally introduce the Robonaut, two weeks ago after arriving at the station . NASA broadcast the event was a humorous introduction . Astronaut Catherine Coleman ( United States) and Paolo Nespoli (Italy ) opened the packing box robots as if they opened a coffin. Camera TV show box full of foam, but no signs of a robot in there . Robonaut, which is also known as R 2 , finally seen a few minutes later in front of the station . " I would like to introduce you to our newest crew member . We want to see what can be done Robonaut, " Coleman said as quoted by the Straits Times , Thursday ( 17 / 3 / 2011 ) . R 2 even already have a Twitter account - his own , namely @ AstroRobonaut . In its update, R 2 ' write ' " Look at me . I ' m in space!" .

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Profil Perawat Profesional

Pelayanan Keperawatan di masa mendatang harus dapat memberikan Consumer Minded terhadap pelayanan yang diterima. Implikasi pelayanan keperawatan akan terus mengalami perubahaan dan hal ini akan dapat terjawab dengan memahami dan melaksanakan karakteristik perawat profesional dan perawat millennium. Menurut Nursalam Peran perawat di masa depan harus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan IPTEK dan tuntutan kebutuhan masyarakat, sehingga perawat, dituntut mampu manjawab dan mengantisipasi terhadap dampak dari perubahan. Sebagai Perawat professional maka peran yang diemban adalah “CARE” yang meliputi:

C: Communication:
A: Activity:
R: Review:
E: Education:

Perawat memberikan pelayanan keperawatan harus dapat berkomunikasi secara lengkap, adekuat, cepat. Setiap melakukan komunikasi (lisan dan tulis) harus memenuhi tiga syarat di atas dan juga harus mampu berbicara dan menulis dalam bahasa asing minimal bahasa inggris.

Prinsip melakukan aktifitas/pemberian asuhan keperawatan harus dapat bekerjasama dengan teman sejawat dan tenaga kesehatan lainnya, khususnya tim medis sebagai mitra kerja dalam memberikan asuhan kepada pasien. Aktivitas ini harus ditunjang dengan menunjukan suatu kesungguhan dan sikap empati dan bertanggung-jawab terhadap setiap tugas yang diemban. Tindakan keperawatan harus dilakukan dengan prinsip: “CWIPAT”  

C: Check the orders & Equipment
W: Wash Your hands
I: Identify of Patient
P: Provide for Safety & Privacy
A: Asses the Problem
T: Tell the person or teach the patient about what you are going to do

Prinsip utamanya adalah moral dan Etika keperawatan. Dalam memberikan setiap asuhan keperawatan perawat harus selalu berpedoman pada nilai-nilai etik keperawatan dan standar keperawatan yang ada serta ilmu keperawatan. Untuk menghindari kesalahan dalam pelaksanaan peran ini maka perawat harus berpegangan pada prinsip-prinsip etik keperawatan yang meliputi:
Justice: Asas Keadilan
Setiap prioritas tindakan yang diberikan harus berdasarkan kondisi pasien, tidak ada diskriminasi pasien dan alat

Autonomy: Asas menghormati otonomi
Setiap manusia mempunyai hak untuk menentukan tindakan terhadap dirinya sendiri

Benefiency: Asas Manfaat
Setiap tindakan yang diberikan kepada klien harus bermanfaat bagi klien dan menghindarkan dari kecacatan

Veracity: Asas Kejujuran
Perawat dalam berkomunikasi harus mengatakan yang benar dan jujur kepada klien

Confidentiality: Asas Kerahasiaan
Apa yang dilaksanakan oleh perawat harus didasarkan pada tanggung-jawab moral dan profesi

Perawat harus mempunyai komitmen yang tinggi terhadap profesi dengan jalan terus menerus menambah ilmu melalui melalui pendidikan formal/nonformal, sampai pada suatu keahlian tertentu. Pengembangan pelayanan keperawatan yang paling efektif harus didasarkan pada hasil temuan-temuan Ilmiah yang dapat diuji kesahihannya.

Japan Tsunami Project Not Disturb Inalum

JAKARTA - The tsunami and earthquakes in Japan are believed to not disrupt the delivery of aluminum produced by PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium ( Inalum) . Director General of the International Industrial Cooperation of the Ministry of Industry ( Kemenperin ) Agus Tjahajana say, the portion of aluminum production Inalum exports to Japan amounted to 150 thousand tons per year. That number , said Agus, able to meet approximately five to six percent of the Japanese . Aluminum is used for industries including automotive , electrical equipment, and household. " Although it may be slightly reduced because of the disaster , after this they will need for the development. If for example there are delays in delivery , could be used for domestic needs , " said Agus in Jakarta on Thursday ( 17 / 3 / 2011 ) . Agus explained, the need for local aluminum is approximately 400- 500 thousand tons per year . Where , approximately 100 thousand tons, said Agus, supplied from Inalum production . While the rest , imported by each industrial sector which requires aluminum . " Until now , there has been no reported delays on the part of Japan , " said Agus. As is known , on February 18, 2011 in Jakarta and then , both parties have done the initial meeting which marked the start of negotiations related to the Indonesia- Japan cooperation on the project Inalum. The initial meeting was attended by government representatives from the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs , Kemenperin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs , Ministry of Finance and Asahan Authority . Besides , also present several Japanese parties namely the Ministry of Economy , Trade and Industry, Nippon Asahan Aluminium Co . Ltd . , Sumitomo Chemical , and the Japan International Cooperation Agency ( JICA ). Currently , the installed production capacity of 250 thousand tons Inalum aluminum per year. Approximately 40 percent of production Inalum supplied to meet domestic needs , while the rest is exported. However, the figure was only about 30 percent meet the needs of domestic industries

Apply Apple System " Authorized " on iTunes

New York : Apple Inc . authorized systems impose on iTunes . The system was imposed after the parents complained to their iTunes bill is bloated . ITunes security system earlier judged to be effective to protect your account from the user . Because , after a user enters his password on your iTunes and forgot to sign out after use, thethese devices is not re - ask for a password . At that moment the children took the opportunity to download the game - playing on their favorite . That' s who complain about parents who inadvertently leave their accounts open. By keeping the software 4 . 3 IOS , iTunes now has a timer that will detect user activity . If within 15 minutes the device is not used, then the user account will be closed automatically. " Software 4 . 3 IOS will allow the account is automatically closed when not in use for 15 minutes. The software can now be downloaded on the App Store and iTunes , " Apple spokesman , Trudy Muller.

Cara Mengatasi Perut Kram

Pernah merasa sakit / kejang di bagian perut secara tiba-tiba? Mungkin yang sobat sehat rasakan itu adalah kram perut. Untuk itu, kali ini blog sehat akan membahas mengenai Cara Mengatasi Perut Kram. Cekidot.

Penyebab Perut Kram
Banyak kejadian seseorang mengalami kram perut karena telat makan dan lama berada di ruang AC. Ada juga yang mengalami kram perut karena menstruasi. Kram perut juga bisa terjadi karena perut kosong tiba-tiba dimasuki makanan pedas atau asam.

Kram yang sering terjadi pada perut ini bisa menandakan gejala awal dari penyakit seperti lambung, maag, masalah di kantung empedu, hernia atau organ lainnya.

Pengobatan Perut Kram
Untuk mengatasai perut kram tersebut, tidak ada salahnya anda mencoba obat tradisional berikut:

Obat Kram Perut ke-1
- Daun Cabai Jawa (3 lembar)
- Air (1 gelas)

Haluskan 3 lembar daun cabe / cabai jawa, kemudian seduh dengan 1 gelas air panas. Minum air ramuan untuk perut kram tersebut selagi hangat.

Obat Kram Perut ke-2
- Buah Kapulaga (3 butir) [belum tahu tanaman kapulaga? baca disini]
- Air (secukupnya)

Rebus 3 butir buah kapulaga tersebut dalam air panas hingga matang. Kemudian makan buah kapulaga tersebut.

Mudah kan cara mengatasi perut keram diatas? semoga obat kram perut tersebut bisa bermanfaat bagi sobat semua.

Kadar Lemak dalam Berat Tubuh

Seseorang dikatakan memiliki ukuran ideal jika bentuk tubuhnya tidak terlalu kurus dan tidak terlalu gemuk. Juga, jika ia terlihat serasi antara berat dan tinggi badan yang dimilikinya.

Agar tubuh seseorang ideal, lemak di dalam tubuhnya harus dalam keadaan normal. Lemak memang diperlukan di dalam tubuh, namun jagalah jangan sampai kekurangan atau kelebihan. Untuk menunjang kehidupan seseorang, harus ada lemak minimal sebanyak 3% dari berat badan. Lemak ini disebut sebagai lemak esensial yang terdapat pada membran sel, sumsum tulang, jaringan syaraf, sumsum tulang belakang, otak, sekitar jantung, paru, hati, limpa, ginjal, dan juga usus.

Jika lemak dalam tubuh lebih dari 3% berat badan, maka bisa dikatakan timbunan lemak. Timbunan lemak ini dapat menjadi pelindung organ-organ bagian dalam tubuh terhadap cedera. Jumlah timbunan lemak yang normal berbeda antara pria dan wanita. Kandungan lemak yang normal dalam tubuh pria dewasa muda adalah 15 hingga 20% dari berat badan. Sedangkan pada wanita dewasa muda adalah sebesar 20 hingga 25%. Proporsi ini akan meningkat sesuai dengan umur. Contohnya pada pria dewasa tua sampai dengan 27% dari berat badan, sedangkan wanita dewasa tua mencapai hingga 30% dari berat badan.

Kelebihan berat badan merupakan suatu keadaan terjadinya penimbunan lemak secara berlebih yang dapat menyebabkan naiknya berat badan. Seseorang mengalami kelebihan berat badan apabila beratnya 10 hingga 20% di atas berat ideal. Seseorang yang memiliki kelebihan berat badan akan merasa:

  1. sering kehabisan nafas
  2. Badan terasa berat
  3. Sering kepanasan
  4. Sering sakit pada bagian pinggang, pinggul, paha, dan lutut.

Hal ini tentu merupakan suatu peringatan bahwa orang tersebut dapat mulai mengataur makanan dan latihan fisik yang cukup agar tetap sehat dan bugar.

Seseorang dikatakan kegemukan bila terjadi kenaikan berat badan sebesar 20% dari berat badan ideal. Kegemukan dapat diukur dari timbunan lemak tubuh. Seorang wanita dewasa dikatakan kegemukan bila lemak dalam tubuhnya sudah lebih dari 30% berat badan idealnya. Sedangkan untuk pria dewasa, ia akan dikatakan kegemukan bila sudah melebihi 27% dari berat badan idealnya.


Tanda Tubuh Kekurangan Vitamin

Setiap orang pasti pernah mengalami kekurangan suatu vitamin atau zat tertentu yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh kita. Biasanya, saat seperti ini, tubuh memberikan sinyal-sinyal tertentu. Sayangnya, tidak semua orang peka terhadap sinyal-sinyal tersebut. Ini bisa disebabkan ketidaktahuan bahwa yang ditunjukkan oleh tubuh merupakan sinyal bahwa ada zat yang kurang.

Berikut adalah beberapa sinyal bahwa tubuh kita kekurangan zat tertentu:

Kuku mudah patah

Kemungkinannya adalah akibat kekurangan zat besi, zink dan asam lemak esensial. Sebaiknya konsumsi daging, kacang-kacangan dan ikan. Jangan anggap remeh bila kuku Anda patah. Biasanya memang keadaan seperti ini disebabkan karena kuku dalam kondisi kering. Namun jangan terus menerus Anda biarkan keadaan seperti ini, karena bisa saja ini merupakan indikasi bahwa Anda terkena penyakit tiroid.

Mata terasa kering

Mata yang terasa kering kerap disebabkan oleh kondisi lingkungan sekitar kita. Ini disebabkan karena air mata tidak dapat melapisi mata dengan baik. Atasi ini dengan mengonsumsi vitamin A dan asam lemak esensial. Sebaiknya konsumsi sayuran atau buah yang berwarna hijau, kuning atau orange.

Pecah-pecah di bagian ujung mulut

Penyebabnya dapat terjadi dikarenakan kekurangan zat besi, vitamin B12, B6 dan asam folat. Sebaiknya Anda mengonsumsi daging, kacang-kacangan dan sayuran berwarna hijau.

Bibir pecah-pecah

Bibir pecah-pecah yang sering kita indikasikan sebagai tanda bahwa tubuh kita mengalami panas dalam, disebabkan karena kekurangan vitamin B2. Sebaiknya konsumsi daging dan produk susu.

Kulit memerah di wajah berminyak

Kemungkinan kekurangan vitamin B2, B6, zink atau asam lemak esensial. Sebaiknya konsumsi daging, ikan, unggas dan kerang.


Timbulnya jerawat, selain bisa disebabkan karena kotoran yang menghambat di pori-pori kulit wajah kita, kemungkinan lainnya juga bisa karena kekurangan vitamin B kompleks, vitamin E dan asam lemak esensial. Sebaiknya konsumsi produk hewani, sereal, unggas dan makanan laut.

Rambut tipis

Kemungkinan kekurangan zat besi atau zink. Sebaiknya konsumsi daging, kacang-kacangan, produk susu dan kerang.


Kulit kepala yang berminyak serta kotoran yang menempel di rambut dapat menyebabkan ketombe. Tapi, ternyata selain itu ketombe juga dapat disebabkan karena Anda kekurangan vitamin C, B6, zink dan asam lemak esensial. Sebaiknya konsumsi buah-buahan seperti jeruk, daging, ikan, unggas dan produk susu.

Mata merah

Mata yang merah seringkali kita indikasikan karena kelelahan atau kemasukan debu. Namun, ternyata mata merah juga mengindikasikan bahwa Anda kemungkinan kekurangan vitamin A dan B2. Sebaiknya konsumsi produk susu, daging, buah atau sayuran berwarna orange dan hijau.

Luka lambat sembuh

Kemungkinan kekurangan zink. Sebaiknya konsumsi produk susu dan kerang.


De Puniet Create Ducati Confident

DOHA - Valentino Rossi and Nicky Hayden have failed to carve a good result . Luckily , Randy de Puniet Ducati has shown quite nicely in the last test in Doha. Ducati satellite team rider mainstay, Pramac Racing is , managed to record the time faster than Rossi and Hayden . Remarkably , De Puniet just slower 0 , 764 seconds behind Stoner (Repsol Honda ) and 0 , 15 seconds behind Ben Spies . Apiknya achievement made ​​him be in position six. While Hayden was ranked ninth , and Rossi were scattered in the ranking of 13 in the last session of pre- season test in Qatar . " I feel better in riding the Ducati and really enjoyed today , " said De Puniet as he praised the hard work of his team, as disitat from Crash. net , Tuesday (15 / 3 / 2011 ) . 2011 MotoGP race will take place at the Losail Circuit. Practically , this result makes the Ducati confident. " We tried several different solutions , ranging from changing tires to understand the various reactions . We believe ourselves to face this week ' s inaugural race, " he concluded .

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Diamond Therapy For Cancer Patients

Illinois : Not only can become a good friend to women. Diamond was also help fight cancer cells . The experts at the University Nerthwestern discover new chemotherapy using diamond particles known as nanodiamonds. Chemotherapy methods are said by experts as the most powerful method to combat cancer . Because the content of diamond in these therapies can destroy the ability of cells to mutate to become stronger . This method has previously been tested on rats suffering from liver cancer and breast cancer . Previously , mice - mice were divided into two groups. The first group was given anti - cancer drug doxorubicin through nanodiamonds. While the second group given only doxorubicin tanpan nanodiamonds . As a result , a mixture of nanodiamonds and doxorubicin to work 10 times more effective . Even the mixture significantly shrink the tumor cells and increase the life expectancy of rats .

Japan Earthquake , Miyabi Search at Yahoo Rises

If in the world , the search for the keyword ' earthquake' and ' tsunami ' terdongkrak sharp , the same thing also happened in Indonesia, coupled with related search Japanese actress, Miyabi. As in other parts of the Asia Pacific region, the Indonesian people also do a search with a variety of different terms related to Japan earthquake, and look for news , maps , videos and images related to the earthquake in that country . " Real look that reminded people of Indonesia ' s tsunami in Aceh and Papua in Yahoo! Search Trends observed during the search of the two . It is interesting to note that there is the search for the actress Miyabi where there is increasing Yahoo! search for photos Miyabi, " said Yahoo' s party in his official statement on Wednesday (16 / 3 / 2011 ) . Unfortunately , the Yahoo did not provide detailed information about the growth would be related search Miyabi. Only search related Japanese actress named Maria Ozawa has indeed increased since the earthquake and tsunami in Japan , supported my curiosity about the fate of the artist when disaster struck . These data obtained via Yahoo Yahoo ! Search Trends. Internet search engine that claims to witness a sharp rise in short periods of related news and information on Japan ' s earthquake and tsunami . In Taiwan , the related search queries increased 80 earthquake and tsunami . 000 percent . In Hong Kong , the volume of searches for keywords earthquake increased by 4 . 000 percent and the tsunami 10. 600 percent and since then both of these key words stand as the most searched keywords . Similarly , Korea is also showing an increase of 23. 520 percent for the term ' earthquake' and 40 . 025 percent for the tsunami . All this reveals the profound effect of earthquakes on the thoughts and feelings of people across Asia Pacific . Users also tried to make searching for specific keywords with a few variations such as ' Japan earthquake' , ' Japan tsunami ' , ' earthquake in 2011 ' , ' Japanese tsunami in 2011 ' . In Singapore and Malaysia , the keyword ' Japan tsunami ' respectively increased by 30. 450 per cent and 9 . 100 percent just a day after the tsunami hose. An important observation from other Yahoo! Search Trends is on the search for donations , which the user wants to know how they can help repair Japan ' s disaster . In Singapore , the search for the Red Cross , Japan earthquake donation , and Pray for Japan showed significant improvement. The number of searches on Yahoo! related to disaster prediction and forecasting in Japan , the Nikkei and Tokyo Stock Exchange, the film with scenes of disasters like the sinking of Japan , 2012 and The Day after Tomorrow and the rumors of the death of Japanese figures such as the creator of Pokemon characters , Hello Kitty and actress Maria Ozawa (Miyabi) be increased since the earthquake of Japan .

China Not Affected by Japan Nuclear Explosion

SHANGHAI - China remains unaffected by a radioactive leak which was followed by a nuclear explosion in Fukushima , Japan . This statement of China' s nuclear watchdog, was quoted as saying by the newspaper Shanghai Daily said on Wednesday ( 16 / 3 / 2011 ) . National Nuclear Security Administration, who take shelter under the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Preservation, made ​​the statement before the press today , based on observations made ​​at 10 . 00 am local time. Since Saturday , March 12 last , ministerial agencies began monitoring radiation in all regions of China and the monitoring results will be published officially on Wednesday (16 / 3 / 2011 ) . Meanwhile , the radiation level in the city of Shanghai still at normal levels, according to an agency which monitors radiation in Jinshang district, Shanghai. According to monitoring results until this evening , so far there is still no abnormal situation . Also confirmed, the agency monitors will continue to monitor the radiation situation and warn all citizens of the city if the situation changes. In addition , Professor Zhu Guoying , a researcher Radiomedicine Institute Fudan University , Shanghai City advises all residents not to panic . If you want to travel, should wear masks to filter air that enters the respiratory and do not forget to use an umbrella when it rains.

Tanaman Obat - Kapulaga


Nama Ilmiah:
Amamum Campactum Soland

Nama Daerah:
Kapolagha, Kapol, Kapulaga, Palago, Pelaga puwar

Nama Asing:
Ronde Kardemon

Minyak protein, gula, lemak, terbang‑sineol, terpineol dan alfaborneol, beta-kamper dan silikat

Bagian Yang Digunakan:
Seluruh bagian (daun, bunga, buah, dan akar)

Tanaman kapulaga ini tumbuh berumbi akar dengan tinggi antara 2-3 m. Daunnya lonjong berujung runcing dengan panjang sekitar 30 cm dan lebar 10 cm. Bunganya (simetris dua sisi, berwarna kemerah-merahan dan terbagi menjadi 3 bagian) dapat dibedakan menurut perbedaan jenis varietas setempat. Dari sana akan dihasilkan buah kotak berwarna putih yang harum sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai obat maupun bumbu. Buahnya berada dalam tandan berbentuk bulat kecil , kadang berbulu dan berwarna kuning kelabu.

Penyakit Yang Bisa Disembuhkan:
Kapulaga bisa digunakan untuk mengatasi Kram / Kejang Perut, Rematik, Demam, Panas, Batuk, Mencegah Mual, Bau Badan, Radang Amandel, Gangguan Haid, Kejang Perut, Obat Kumur, Influenza, Radang Lambung, Sesak Napas, Badan Lemah (Sebagai Tonikum), dll.

Foto Tanaman Kapulaga:


Google Satellite Images Reveal Fierce Japan Tsunami

Internet giant Google and space agency NASA released satellite images showing the devastating impact of disasters in Japan . Public can see the state of the region before and after the tsunami hit . Google works with satellite imagery company GeoEye , launch a similar picture and can be seen via Google Earth or Picassa Web. Visible example of a waterfront area to pre- tsunami seemed orderly and greenish, helter skelter after waves beat. Ryan Falor , a member of Google ' s Crisis Response Team, stated that the purpose of publishing these pictures is to help the organization that is plunging the country launched a humanitarian action that Sakura . " We hope the new updates of satellite images are useful to them and others who follow these events , to help illustrate the extent of damage, " he said , reported by Computerworld and quoted on Wednesday ( 16 / 3 / 2011 ) . " You can also follow @ earthoutreach on Twitter to stay updated with this mapping effort , " he added . It contains an account at Twitter updates info about any satellite images which have been added by Google . While NASA uses an instrument called Multi - angle Imaging Spectroradiometer on the Terra plane to show the chaos caused by the tsunami in Japan . So far , already thousands of casualties and the predicted fall therefore continue to grow.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Game Best Seller in U . S .

CALIFORNIA - This week , Call of Duty: Black Ops become the best - selling game of all time in the United States after successfully selling 13 , 7 million units on all platforms , five months after release. This game had record sales the first day when it was released last November 2010 and received revenues of more than USD 1 billion before the end of the year . Hardware So that was launched on Wednesday ( 16 / 3 / 2011 ) . Despite criticism of its users because of some problems such as the PlayStation 3 which often freeze forcing penggua reset , or a broken connection arrived - arrived on an online session with many players . The game is still popular and continue to occupy top positions in the U . S . game ratings . Today , research firm NPD statistics show if the Black Ops have exceeded the Wii Play as the best - selling game of all time in the U . S . . Black Ops is a product developer Activision Blizzard , which also issued other popular games, like Guitar Hero . Unfortunately , Guitar Hero had to ' retire' after Activision decided to no longer release the latest version of the iconic game that , last February .,

Joe Satriani Concert in Indonesia in July Future

JAKARTA - Joe Satriani planned to stop by to Indonesia in July . Joe comes in a series of tours to Asia. The town is going to be a witness Joe wring his guitar in front of the fans , Jakarta . From the promoter have not confirmed the venue that will be used by the god of the guitar is . " Not yet , we still find a place that fits ya, " said Arief , media coordinator of Original Productions , the promoter responsible for bringing Joe Satriani , when talking with Okezone by phone Saturday ( 5 / 2 / 2011 ) . So is the price of tickets to be sold later. " Later we KABARIN essence, the end of the month is released later, " he said . Joe Satriani is the figure of instrumental rock guitarist from the United States the most influential today . Some students like Steve Vai , Larry LaLonde , Andy Timmons, Charlie Hunter, Kevin Cadogan, and Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett, quite successfully after learning a lot from Joe .

Japanese MotoGP Postponed!

Mies - The event MotoGP Japan finally completely suspended . Thus the decision issued by the International Motorcycling Federation ( IMF ) . Friday (11 / 3 / 2011 ) local time, an earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale rocked the State 0 Sakura , then followed brunt of the tsunami waves. Explosion of the number of nuclear power plants are now leaving the impact of radioactive hazard. No wonder the IMF adopted a policy of delaying the Japanese GP, which was originally held at Twin Ring Motegi circuit on 24 April. " For reasons of necessity , the Grand Prix of Japan at Twin Ring Motegi circuit , which is scheduled on April 24 , postponed until October 2 , " the IMF statement, as reported by Reuters on Wednesday ( 16 / 3 / 2011 ) . Because of the earthquake and tsunami , Motegi suffered considerable damage . Reportedly, it took several weeks to renovate the entire venue . Meanwhile , the prime series will still be held in Qatar , on March 20 . Yes, this is the second year in a row where the race could not run as scheduled. Last season, the race was delayed by the global travel restrictions, following a cloud of volcanic ash that spewed out of Iceland .,

Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Hyundai Launches Official Veloster

SEOUL- After a few time ago appeared as a concept car , finally South Korean automakers , Hyundai is rumored to have officially launched the production version of Veloster . However, in order to maintain ekslusifitasnya , Hyundai plans will only make a car with a unique door design is just as much as 18. 000 units per year. It is said , the car being targeted to the youth of Korea has previously been developed for about 40 months, and have spent the funds of 270 billion won . In Korea , a car with one door on the driver ' s side and two on the passenger side is sold at a price of USD 17 , 200 or approximately USD 153 million for the manual transmission option and USD 18, 640 or approximately USD 165 million for the automatic transmission. As a kitchen pacunya , Veloster using Gamma engine capacity 1 . 600 cc 4 - cylinder technology with Gasoline Direct Injection ( GDI ) , which produces power 140 ps at 6 . 300 rpm with a torque of 123 lb - ft at 4 . 850 rpm . The machine was then mated to a dual - clutch transmission ( DCT ) and manual with 6 speed . Hyundai says that the machine that carried Veloster is Hyundai ' s smallest man- made machine that uses technology Gasoline Direct Injection ( GDI ) . " The GDI technology, allows Hyundai' s engineers to create a very strong engine, fuel efficient , and with fewer emissions, " said powertrain director, John Juriga , Hyundai American Technical Center Inc . ( HATCI ). " Despite its small size , but the machine is capable of producing large enough energy , but with economical fuel consumption of only 40 mpg (about 1 : 15 liters) . " Cont John. Hyundai plans to start selling Veloster in the European market in the first half of this year , followed by the U . S . and other markets in the second half .,.

Presents Mazda MX- 5 Special Edition

SWITZERLAND - As one of the world ' s best - selling roadster car , the Mazda MX - 5 continue to make improvements, both in terms of appearance , performance and handling . Now , to commemorate the victory of Mazda in the Le Mans endurance race in 1991 , the Japanese car manufacturer plans to launch the MX - 5 special edition . At that time, the 787B with the number 55 car driven by Johnny Herbert , Volker Weidler and Bertrand Gachot Mazda won the race in 24 - hours of Le Mans in 1991 . Mazda' s victory was claimed as the first victory for Japanese cars and Mazda ' s unique rotary engine in the famous endurance race that was fierce. Usually , the race was always dominated by European manufacturers. Named MX - 5 ' 55 Le Mans , the car uses the engine capacity of 2 . 000 cc engine capable of producing power of 160 HP. The machine is then combined with 6 - speed manual transmission . To make it different than the standard version , MX - 5 special edition uses a feature limited slip differential ( LSD ) , suspension - type artificial Bilstein sport, strut bars front and wheel design with 10 - spokes . For the exterior , Mazda provide them in four colors , with contrasting stripes on the sides of the vehicle , and logos ' 55 Le Mans ' . Unfortunately , this car only for its customers in Switzerland .

MeeGo Netbook Coming Again Soon

NEW YORK - Early last week , Intel said that without or with Nokia , MeeGo will continue to run . And manufacturing companies this is his word. Yes, they plan to bring a netbook that runs with system MeeGo. Although not look like MeeGo will win the war smartphone or tablet near future, the presence of OS was recently seen walking on the netbook 10. 1 - inch . According to Nicole Scott of Netbook News , was quoted Saturday (12 / 3 / 2011 ) , the netbook market will be targeted at Russia , rumored to have a processor 1 , 5 GHz Intel Atom N 550, GMA 3150 graphics and screen size of 10 , 1 inch , with 1024 x 600 pixel screen . Unfortunately , the battery on this netbook was only 8 hours in with a 24 WH . However, Nicole noted , MeeGo still quite a versatile operating system an open platform - source capable of turning a variety of handsets , tablets and netbooks . " And that is probably why Nokia did not release the first MeeGo. MeeGo has a long- term potential, the potential keywords that are difficult dieelakan , " he said Additional specifications include the netbook MeeGo it is 1 GB of RAM , a 160GB hard drive , WiFi / Bluetooth, SD card slot, weight of approximately 2 , 4 pounds .

Askep Maternitas Ruptur Uteri


Ruptur Uteri adalah robekan atau diskontinuita dinding rahim akibat dilampauinya daya regang miomentrium. ( buku acuan nasional pelayanan kesehatan maternal dan neonatal )
Rupture uteri adalah robeknya dinding uterus pada saat kehamilan atau dalam persalinan dengan atau tanpa robeknya perioneum visceral. 
( Obstetri dan Ginekologi )
1. riwayat pembedahan terhadap fundus atau korpus uterus
2. induksi dengan oksitosin yang sembarangan atau persalinan yang lama
3. presentasi abnormal ( terutama terjadi penipisan pada segmen bawah uterus ).
( Helen, 2001 )

Tanda dan gejala ruptur uteri dapat terjadi secara dramatis atau tenang.
Nyeri tajam, yang sangat pada abdomen bawah saat kontraksi hebat memuncak
Penghentian kontraksi uterus disertai hilangnya rasa nyeri
Perdarahan vagina ( dalam jumlah sedikit atau hemoragi )

Masa Kehamilan Trimester3


Masa kehamilan dimulai dari konsepsi sampai lahirnya janin. Lamanya hamil normal adalah 280 hari (40 minggu atau 9 bulan 7 hari) dihitung dari hari pertama haid terakhir. Kehamilan dibagi menjadi 3 triwulan yaitu triwulan pertama dimulai dari konsepsi sampai 3 bulan, triwulan kedua dari bulan keempat sampai 6 bulan, triwulan ketiga dari bulan ketujuh sampai 9 bulan. Kehamilan melibatkan perubahan fisik emosional dari ibu serta perubahan sosial di dalam lingkungan keluarga. Pada umumnya kehamilan berkembang dengan normal dan menghasilkan kelahiran bayi sehat cukup bulan melalui jalan lahir namun kadang-kadang tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Sulit diketahui bahwa kehamilan akan menjadi masalah. System penilaian resiko tidak dapat memprediksi apakah ibu hamil akan bermasalah selama kehamilannya. Oleh karena itu pelayanan/asuhan antenatal merupakan cara penting untuk memonitor dan mendukung kesehatan ibu hamil normal dan mendeteksi ibu dengan kehamilan normal (Prawirohardjo, 2002)
Hasil akhir kehamilan yang diharapkan adalah kelangsungan hidup ibu dan bayinya. Tujuan perawatan antenatal lebih dari itu; bukan hanya kelangsungan hidup tetapi juga kualitas hidup yang baik perawatan antenatal yang baik mencakup :
Pengawasan kehamilan untuk melihat apakah segalanya berlangsung normal, untuk mendeteksi dan mengatasi setiap kelalaian yang timbul, dan untuk mengantisipasi semua masalah selama kehamilan, persalinan dan periade postnatal

Askep Maternitas Pre Eklampsia


Pre eklampsia adalah sekumpulan gejala yang timbul pada wanita hamil, bersalin dan nifas yang terdiri dari hipertensi, edema dan protein uria tetapi tidak menjukkan tanda-tanda kelainan vaskuler atau hipertensi sebelumnya, sedangkan gejalanya biasanya muncul setelah kehamilan berumur 28 minggu atau lebih ( Rustam Muctar, 1998 ).

Pada pre eklampsia terdapat penurunan plasma dalam sirkulasi dan terjadi peningkatan hematokrit. Perubahan ini menyebabkan penurunan perfusi ke organ , termasuk ke utero plasental fatal unit. Vasospasme merupakan dasar dari timbulnya proses pre eklampsia. Konstriksi vaskuler menyebabkan resistensi aliran darah dan timbulnya hipertensi arterial. Vasospasme dapat diakibatkan karena adanya peningkatan sensitifitas dari sirculating pressors. Pre eklampsia yang berat dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan organ tubuh yang lain. Gangguan perfusi plasenta dapat sebagai pemicu timbulnya gangguan pertumbuhan plasenta sehinga dapat berakibat terjadinya Intra Uterin Growth Retardation. 

Askep Maternitas Persalinan Spontan



Persalinan spontan adalah bila persalinan berlangsung dengan tenaga sendiri (Manuaba, 1999 Hal : 138). 
Masa Nifas (Puerperium) adalah masa pulih kembali, mulai dari persalinan sampai alat-alat kandungan kembali seperti pra hamil. Lama masa nifas ini yaitu 6-8 minggu (Mochtar R,1998 hal : 15). 
Masa Nifas atau puerperium dimulai setelah kelahiran placenta dan berakhir ketika alat-alat kandungan kembali seperti keadaan sebelum hamil. Masa nifas berlangsung kira-kira 6 minggu (Saifuddin. A.B, 2001 hal 122). 
Episiotomi adalah insisi perineum untuk memperlebar ruang pada lubang keluar jalan lahir sehingga memudahkan kelahiran anak. (Harry. O, 1996, hal : 441). 
Selanjutnya dapat disimpulkan bahwa post partum (masa nifas/puerperium) spontan dengan episiotomi adalah masa setelah seorang ibu melahirkan bayi yang berlangsung  dengan tenaga Ibu sendiri, melalui jalan lahir dan dengan dilakukan insisi perineum untuk memperlebar ruang jalan lahir sehingga memudahkan kelahiran anak. 

Keadaan yang mungkin terjadi ruptur perineum, janin premature, janin letak sungsang, persalinan dengan ekstraksi cunam, vakum dan janin besar. (Mansjoer. A, 1999, hal 338).

Askep Maternitas Nifas atau Puerperium


Nifas atau puerperium adalah periode waktu atau masa di mana organ-organ reproduksi kembali kepada keadaan tidak hamil. Masa ini membutuhkan waktu sekitar 6 minggu.
(Helen, 2001)
Meskipun seccara harafiah didefinisikan sebagai masa persalinan selama dan segera setelah kelahiran, masa ini juga meliputi minggu-minggu berikutnya pada waktu saluran reproduksi kemabali ke keadaan tidak hamil yang normal. Selama masa ini, saluran reproduktif anatominya kembali ke keadaan tak hamil normal, yang meliputi perubahan struktur permanent pada serviks, vagina, dan perineum sebagai akibat persalinan dan kelahiran. 
(Cunningham, 1995)
Masa nifas (puerperium) dimulai setelah kelahiran plasenta dan berakhir ketika alat-alat kandungan kembali seperti keadaan sebelum hamil. Masa nifas berlangsung selama kira-kira 6 minggu. (Sarwono,2002)
Puerperium adalah masa sesudah persalinan yang diperlukan untuk pulihnya kembali alat kandungan yang lamanya 6 minggu.
 (FKUI, 1983)
Puerperium adalah periode sejak saat selesai melahirkan hingga berakhirnya involusio uterus, yang biasanya berlangsung selama 6-8 munggu.
(Hinchliff, 1999)
Masa puerperium atau masa nifas mulai setelah partus selesai, dan berakhir setelah kira-kira 6 minggu. Akan tetapi, seluruh alat genital baru pulih kembali seperti sebelum ada kehamilan dalam waktu 3 bulan. 
(Sarwono, 2005)

Askep Maternitas Partus Macet


Partus macet adalah suatu keadaan dari suatu persalinan yang mengalami kemacetan dan berlangsung lama sehingga timbul komplikasi ibu maupun janin (anak). 
Partus macet merupakan persalinan yang berjalan lebih dari 24 jam untuk primigravida dan atau 18 jam untuk multi gravida.

Penyebab persalinan lama diantaranya adalah kelainan letak janin, kelainan panggul, kelainan keluaran his dan mengejan, terjadi ketidakseimbangan sefalopelfik, pimpinan persalinan yang salah dan primi tua primer atau sekunder.

1. Keadaan Umum ibu
- Dehidrasi, panas
- Meteorismus, shock

Askep Maternitas Multi Gravida dan Hipertensi


2.1 Batasan/Pengertian 
      Adapun batasan/pengertian Asuhan Kebidanan Multi Gravida dengan Hypertensi Kronis adalah :
2.1.1 Asuhan Kebidanan
Asuhan Kebidanan berdasarkan rumusan berbagai pakar dijelaskan sebagai berikut :
Asuhan Kebidanan adalah aktifitas atau intervensi yang dilaksanakan oleh bidan kepada klien yang mempunyai kebutuhan/permasalahan khususnya dalam bidang KIA/KB. (Syahlan. JH, 1993 : 3)
Asuhan kebidanan merupakan bagian dari pelayanan yang diarahkan untuk mewujudkan kesehatan keluarga dalam rangka tercapainya keluarga kecil bahagia dan sejahtera. (Santosa. NI, 1995 : 16)
Manajemen kebidanan adalah metode dan pendekatan pemecahan masalah kesehatan ibu dan anak yang khusus dilakukan oleh bidan di dalam memberikan asuhan kebidanan kepada individu, keluarga dan masyarakat. (Santosa. NI, 1995 : 17)
2.1.2 Multi Gravida
Multigravida adalah seorang wanita yang telah beberapa kali hamil. (Sastrawinata. S, 1983 : 156)

Askep Maternitas Letak Sungsang


A. Latar Belakang
Letak sungsang adalah letak memanjang dengan bokong sebagai bagian yang terendah (Presentasi Bokong). Angka kejadian  : ± 3 % dari seluruh angka kelahiran.

Adapun letak sungsang dapat dibagi menjadi sebagai berikut :
1. Letak bokong murni ; prensentasi bokong murni (Frank Breech). Bokong saja yang menjadi bagian terdepan sedangkan kedua tungkai lurus keatas.
2. Letak bokong kaki (presentasi bokong kaki) disamping bokong teraba kaki (Complete Breech). Disebut letak bokong kaki sempurna atau tidak sempurna kalau disamping bokong teraba kedua kaki atau satu kaki saja.
3. Letak lutut (presentasi lutut) dan
4. Letak kaki , yang keduanya disebut dengan istilah ; Incomplete Breech.
Tergantung pada terabanya kedua kaki atau lutut atau hanya teraba satu kaki atau lutut disebut letak kaki atau lutut sempurna dan letak kaki atau lutut tidak sempurna.
Dari semua letak-letak ini yang paling sering dijumpai adalah letak bokong murni. Punggung biasanya terdapat kiri depan. Frekuensi letak sungsang lebih tinggi pada kehanilan muda dibandingkan dengan kehamilan a`terme dan lebih banyak pada multigravida dibandingkan dengan primigarvida.
Salah satu cara dalam mengatasi keadaan tersebut adalah dengan tindakan operatif yaitu persalinan dengan cara tindakan seksio sesarea. Dimana apabila cara-cara lain dianggap tidak berhasil atau syarat-syarat untuk dilakukanya tindakan tidak terpenuhi atau kondisi ibu memerlukan tindakan yang segera yang apabila tidak segera dilakukan akan berakibat fatal.
Seksio sesarea adalah persalinan dengan suatu tindakan operasi/pembedahan untuk mengeluarkan janin dari rongga uterus dengan cara mengiris  dinding perut dan dinding uterus dengan syarat rahim dengan keadaan utuh serta berat janin di atas 500 gram.

Askep Maternitas Abortus Imminen


A. Pengetian 
Abortus imminen adalah perdarahan bercak yang menunjukkan ancaman terhadap kelangsungan sauatu kehamilan. Dalam kondisi seperti ini kehamilan masih mungkin berlanjut atau dipertahankan. (Syaifudin. Bari Abdul, 2000)
Abortus imminen adalah perdarahan pervaginam pada kehamilan kurang dari 20 minggu, tanpa tanda-tanda dilatasi serviks yang meningkat ( Mansjoer, Arif M, 1999)
Abortus imminen adalah pengeluaran secret pervaginam yang tampak pada paruh pertama kehamilan ( William Obstetri, 1990)
B. Etiologi
Abortus dapat terjadi karena beberapa sebab yaitu :
1. Kelainan pertumbuhan hasil konsepsi, biasanya menyebabkan abortus pada kehamilan sebelum usia 8 minggu. Faktor yang menyebabkan kelainan ini adalah :
a. Kelainan kromosom, terutama trimosoma dan monosoma X 

Mercedes - Benz AMG SLS Only 15 Units

Brand : Event to the auto show 2011 Geneva Motor Show does not seem to only show cars - new cars , but also car creations home modifications . One worth waiting for is Cormeum Mansory Mercedes - Benz AMG SLS, the plan will be made only limited to just 15 units . As reported Insideline site. com last week a German home modifications , Mansory , also to - upgrade old machines 6 . 3 - liter V 8 with a more efficient intake and exhaust system stainless - steel . Compression engine also can pump power was increased to speeds of up to 660 - hp from 563- hp initial velocity. For version - speed 800 - hp model , the Mansory reportedly still under construction. According to the home modifications , the name Cormeum taken from a song titled The Latin Vide Cor Meum . The song was written by renowned composer Patrick Cassidy and made for the film Hannibal ( 2001 ) directed by Ridley Scott, who is also the sequel to The Silence of The Lambs. Mansory also not reluctant - reluctant to modify the exterior . Body Kits and Exterior modifications include front fascia , rear bumper , beefy fenders , side skirts, rear spoiler which was raised , and rear diffuser that can help motorists reduce drag. Most of body covered with carbon fiber material , which helps relieve Cormeum weight down to 198 pounds . To add a ferocious appearance , the front wheels are equipped Cormeum 20 - inches and 21 inches rear, ride height is lowered Cormeum 0 , 7 inches, thanks to new springs and dampers . Turning to the cabin , Mansory using a first - class leather that wrapped around the seats, new steering wheel , aluminum pedals , and also trimming of carbon fibber.

Japan' s nuclear crisis , the Chernobyl Two?

Tokyo: Grief is not yet lost . Grief when a massive explosion spewed reactor core up to 1500 meters into the sky and cast a cloud of toxic to the European continent. Gazette sad it happened on April 26 , 1986 in Chernobyl, Ukraine . It was about 5 million people exposed to radiation. Leaving a heartbreaking story . Chernobyl explosion was estimated to 200 times stronger than the radiation from the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . Sedahsyat trail it leaves. Besides the death toll was fantastic, great damage had occurred in the environment around Chernobil . Not to mention the disease and genetic disorder that attacks the survivors are exposed to radiation. Now after 25 years on , the citizens of the world again shaken during the earthquake along the tsunami hit Japan. Thousands of lives were lost . But the one that is a concern when nuclear power Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Japan exploded . The Japanese government immediately evacuate residents in a radius of 10 to 20 kilometers from the location of nuclear power plants . Then the second Chernobyl would happen ? National Nuclear Energy Agency ( Batan ) assess the Japanese case is different with Chernobil. " The explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is not even a number of radioactive nuclear explosion out of the reactor building , " explains Head of Batan Hudi Hastowo . Naturally , if the world worried about the dangers of nuclear radiation not play games. In the short term , nuclear radiation can create a headache, eye berkunang , even causing disorientation . Bodies become weak , hair loss , vomiting blood, low blood pressure until the wounds difficult to heal. While the long term , radiation can cause cancer , premature aging , nervous system disorders through genetic mutation . Now we can only hope. Hopefully Chernobyl sorrow not reoccur.,

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Chevrolet Captiva Will Launch More Sporty

WASHINGTON - With the aim to make the best products for all segments of the market , car manufacturers from the United States , General Motors ( GM ) reportedly has announced the launch of new models of Captiva. Using the name of the Captiva Sport , the car has been launched in the United States . " The latest product is the sporty version of the Captiva standard. And the sport version comes with several enhancements to further attract customers , " wrote the page autoevolution . The plan , captive Sport will attend the hands of the owners at the end of this year. The car is offered with two engines , 2 . 4 L Ecotec direct - injection four- cylinder and 3 . 0 L direct injection V 6 . Both will be paired with a six- speed automatic transmission. GM will sell the model , although the price is still a secret , in two versions , the LS and LT , and the four trim packages, including a model of all - wheel - drive ( LTZ ) . Regardless of which version is selected , customers will get the aluminum alloy 17 - inch, XM Satellite Radio, sound system with six speakers, four- wheel disc brakes with Antilock , traction control, electronic StabiliTrack stability control, air conditioning , power lock windows, and remote keyless entry . The presence of Captiva Sport is necessarily raises questions about the Chevrolet Equinox. But GM has its own answer , " Demand ( Equinox) is still quite large . Sales of the model will not affect other sales , " Alan Batey , vice president , Chevrolet Sales and Service United States . " We offer a quality crossover with a strong character like Captiva Sport for the U . S . market , " he said . " We also have offerings for the retail market with the Equinox. " Clearly.

BMW 6 Series 2012 version soon Gliding

GERMANY - After showing series 6 version 2012 on carpet Detroit Motor Show 2011 which took place in January last. Now the German car manufacturer BMW will soon be producing Coupe car , and will present it in Europe and the United States in the near future . The car itself is a showcase of BMW ' s chief designer, Adrian van Hooydonk . With a length of 4 . 894 mm , width 1 . 894 mm and height 1 . Konfidurasi 369 coupe with 2 + 2 seating is claimed to be longer and wider than 75 mm 5 mm 39 mm was also lower than its predecessor. The addition is not without arbitrary length, due to present a more spacious cabin space, the passenger behind . Also the capacity of trunk space. At launch, the BMW 6 Series Coupe will be offered with this new two engine options , namely the unit 3 . 0 - liter turbocharged six- cylinder in line for 640 type i and 4 . 4 - liter twin - turbocharged V 8 for the 650i type . Both the 650i Coupe and 640i Coupe transfer the power generated by the engine to the rear wheels through a gearbox sport eight - speed automatic also assisted with steering wheel paddle shift gearshift can be done so that the withdrawal was mengmudikan Formula 1 car . In the U . S . , BMW will also offer a 6 - speed manual gearbox for the 650i Coupe . 640i is capable of producing tenana of 320 hp at 5 . 800 rpm and 450Nm of torque between the engine on lap 1 . 300 and 4 . 500 rpm , enabling the coupe to sprint from rest to 100 km / h ( 62 mph ) in 5 , 4 seconds , and reaches a top speed electronically limited to 250 km / h ( 155 mph ) . Then to Europe - spec, V 8 engine 4 . 4 - liter in the 650i type capable of producing power at 407 hp kick in engine speed between 5 . 500 and 6 . 400 rpm and peak torque of 600 Nm between 1 . 750 and 4 . 500 rpm . To do the sprint from 0 to 100 km / h can be done within 4 , 9 seconds and top speed is electronically limited to 250 km / h ( 155 mph ) . As for the U . S . - spec, V 8 engine in the 650 i type gives a smaller power about 400 hp between 5 . 500 and 6 . 400 rpm , and peak torque of 450 lb - ft at 1 . 750 and 4 . 500 rpm for time acceleration 0 - 60 mph ( 96 km / h) can be done in 4 , 8 seconds . For the U . S . this type , available manual transmission option 6 - speed or automatic transmission 8 - speed . The plan , 640i and 650 i coupe will be sold in Europe this autumn while the 650i Coupe arrives in U . S . showrooms this fall as well.

Stem Cell to Cure Blindness

WORLD medical re- discover the latest techniques stem cells for people with blindness. This new therapy course make new hope for those with imperfect eyesight. Scientists at Cambridge University believe a blind person can see again or recovering after surgery performed stem cell transplants ( stem cells / stem cells ) from their own bodies. This is one of the biggest success of the amazing field of cell therapy for developing . They have succeeded in doing experiments on rats , and hope to begin human trials within five years . This method involves taking stem cells from bone marrow and injecting them in solution into the back of the eye . There , they help cells - the cells of the optic nerve which is to degenerate further . They also can change the theselves into cells - a new optic nerve cells , reverse the damage, and improve vision. " Finding a treatment to reverse blindness is no longer in the realm of science fiction . We do this in animal models, and the results are very encouraging, that we hope to soon move forward into testing in humans, " said Professor Keith Martin, a neuroscientist at Cambridge University and surgeon eye at Addenbrooke ' s Hospital, which quoted from the Telegraph. " Stem cell treatment move forward very quickly in many branches of medicine , and we see some of the best results in the eyes, " he continued . Furthermore , Prof Martin said , " We have been concentrating on glaucoma because it' s so common, but there are quite a few diseases that affect their optic nerve, such as inflammatory disease , which can be used here too . " While the team has managed to stop glaucoma in rats , and reverses decreased to some extent , they are still working on the final goal , namely how to cure blindness. There are 300 thousand people in the UK are diagnosed with glaucoma , although the number of patients considered to be two - fold . Most of the more than 40. This condition is usually caused by raised eye pressure, and damage to the optic nerve , which transmits signals from the retina to the brain. Field of vision narrows slowly over many years or decades . Prof Martin said the new technique could help the two groups in particular . Namely those who are diagnosed with advanced glaucoma , and those who developed early in life . " The treatment of existing, lower eye pressure , works well for most people, but it is a prevention strategy . It is useless for those with advanced glaucoma , " he said . In addition , lowering the eye pressure alone can not prevent glaucoma for several decades . The project is funded by a grant of 320 thousand pounds of the charity Fight for Sight, which supports ( SAT ), World Glaucoma Day. Dr . Dolores Conroy , Fight for Sight research officer explained, " The progress of stem cell technology tends to revolutionize treatment for diseases such as glaucoma . We must invest in research now , so treatment to save, and potentially restore , see millions of people who are available in the future . "

Chronology of Japan ' s Tsunami Earthquake

Tokyo : An earthquake measuring 8 , 9 on the Richter Scale that followed the Tsunami on the coast of northeastern Japan, has devastated some areas of the State Sakura . A moment later, Japan' s Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning for the entire east coast of Japan facing the Pacific Ocean, including 20 countries that come into contact with the ocean . Chronology of strong earthquake shaking begins at 14 . 46 local time. Large vortex then look appeared on the Sea of Japan facing the Pacific Ocean. This is sure going to happen Tsunami . About 30 minutes later there aftershocks measuring 7 , 4 SR . Japan Meteorological Agency then issued a tsunami warning for the entire east coast of Japan , which overlooks the Pacific Ocean, including 20 countries in direct contact with the ocean . A number of Indonesian territory is included . In the video the local television station , seen by tsunami waves swept the downtown area and dragging the vehicles on the streets . Thousands of vehicles swept away along with other materials . The tsunami also swept the industrial estates and settlements . A number of aftershocks in the vicinity of the center of the quake triggered a second tsunami . Pictures from local television showed the wall of roaring water waves of the sea to the mainland. Agricultural region in Sendai, swept by ocean waves that carry debris .