Sabtu, 20 November 2010
Diagnosa Keperawatan Aktual
Konsep Dasar Diagnosa Keperawatan AktualBAB IPENDAHULUANA. Latar Belakang MasalahSebagai suatu aspek yang terpenting dalam proses keperawatan, perumusan diagnosa keperawatan ini sangatlah vital untuk dilakukan. Pernahkan kita mendengar beberapa diagnosa keperawatan pada pasien….?.Diagnosis Keperawatan merupakan keputusan klinik tentang respon individu, keluarga dan masyarakat tentang...
Konsep Dasar Keperawatan Keluarga
Konsep Dasar Keperawatan KeluargaA. Unit Keluarga menjadi Fokus Sentral dari PerawatanSalah satu aspek terpenting dari perawatan adalah penekanannya pada unit keluarga. Keluarga, bersama dengan individu, kelompok dan komunitas adalah klien atau resipien keperawatan. Secara empiris, kami menyadari bahwa kesehatan para anggota keluarga dan kualitas kesehatan keluarga, mempunyai hubungan...
6 Hal Yang Biasa Di Indonesia, Namun Tidak Boleh Dilakukan Di Luar Negeri

6 Hal Yang Biasa Di Indonesia, Namun Tidak Boleh Dilakukan Di Luar Negeri 1. Jangan Mengangkat Tangan dengan Telapak Tangan Menghadap ke Depan Di YunaniDi Yunani, gesture mengangkat tangan dengan telapak tangan menghadap ke depan disebut juga sebagai moutza. Di jaman dulu,...
Epica-Deconstruct lyricsIf we could see ourselves, the mirror would reflect insanityInstead we camouflage the flaws that lie withinCondone the suffering we witness as we mingle casuallyWe need to right ourselves, or else we will derailAiming too highYou are bound to failPatience is a vital virtueThat you'll never haveDon't force me to believeWe're caught up in the greed'cause I just...
Epica-Death Of A Dream The Embrace That Smothers Part VII
Epica-Death Of A Dream The Embrace That Smothers Part VII lyricI followed your rulesA willing foolBranded by shameMy soul suffers from your hostile waysI bear so many scars, hit me hardTime to change we have to rearrangeFor this has gone too far, way too farCreating new laws and living by unwritten rulesRestricting usMy soul suffers from your hostile waysI can't let goCreating new...
Epica-Dance Of Fate
Epica-Dance Of Fate lyricsWhen darkness will reign and blind us allWhen darkness will reign and blind us allAllegiance will bind us if we do not fallWe cannot tell when morning comesIs there a choice to live another day?It's hard to find a new direction in your fragile lifeThe precious time of your existence is now to comeDon't throw your life away by cheating timeSugared placebos...
pemesanan tiket pertandingan Big Match
pemesanan tiket pertandingan Big MatchMengingat pertandingan Big Match sekaligus pertandingan yang jarang terjadi di amerika. Anda bisa membayangkan, bagaimana stadion yang penuh dengan penonton dimana di luar stadion masih ada beribu penonton yang tidak dapat masuk karena tiket habis (meski dijual dengan harga tinggi) yang sebenarnya siap pula menghadapi resiko membeli tiket dengan...
Transkultural dalam Keperawatan
Konsep Teori Transkultural dalam KeperawatanAPLIKASI TEORI TRANSCULTURAL NURSINGDALAM PROSES KEPERAWATANRahayu Iskandar, Ners, M.KepPENDAHULUANTuntutan kebutuhan masyarakat akan pelayanan kesehatan pada abad ke-21,termasuk tuntutan terhadap asuhan keperawatan yang berkualitas akan semakinbesar. Dengan adanya globalisasi, dimana perpindahan penduduk antar negara(imigrasi) dimungkinkan,...
Vomiting (known medically as emesis and informally as throwing up and a number of other terms) is the forceful expulsion of the contents of one's stomach through the mouth and sometimes the nose. Vomiting may result from many causes, ranging from gastritis or poisoning to brain tumors, or elevated intracranial pressure. The feeling that one is about to vomit is called nausea,...
Jumat, 19 November 2010
Teori dan Model Konseptual Keperawatan
Teori dan Model Konseptual KeperawatanA. PENGERTIAN Teori keperawatan menurut sevens (1984) adl. Sebagai usaha menguraikan dan menjelaskan berbagai fenomena dalam keperawatan (dikutip dari Taylor c, dkk/1989). Teori keperawatan berperan dalam membedakan keperawatan dengan disiplin ilmu lain dan bertujuan untuk menggambarkan, menjelaskan, memperkirakan, dan mengontrol hasil...
Epica-Consign To Oblivion A New Age Dawns Part Iii
Epica-Consign To Oblivion A New Age Dawns Part IiiHow can we let this happen andJust keep our eyes closed 'till the endThe only thing that counts is the prosperity of todayMost important to us is that our bills get paidOur good intentions have always been delayedHow can we let this happen andJust keep our eyes closed 'till the endWhen we will stand in front of heaven's gateIt will...
Epica-Chasing The Dragon
Epica-Chasing The Dragon lyricFree my mindHeal my scarsErase the pastDark days to forgetAnd memories to lastIn my heartFree me nowMake me forgetAnd forgiveThere's no useTo go on and liveShow me a wayTo the sunHeal my scarsNothing will be forever goneMemories will stay and find their wayWhat goes around will come aroundDon't deny your fearsSo let them go and fade into lightGive up the...
Epica-Burn To A Cinder
Epica-Burn To A Cinder lyricDeep in the night, boundless violence will seethe with the dangerOur laws collide not allowing another contenderWhen the wine drinks itself, you will burn to a cinderWe're fighting time awaiting the answersI'll never let them stake you downTake you downI'll fight to find a wayIs there a way to turn the mind of a barbaric stranger?Eternal days awaiting for...
Epica-Blank Infinity
Epica-Blank Infinity lyricTrying to keep myself afloat upon this streamBut a thought is pulling me downPulling me all the way downWe are wandering towards a blank infinityAnd extinguishing will now be the only wayTo diminish your sinsThis vortex can't be filled up againA hole in space and timeDo you cry to the heaven's highWhen you're confined in here?Do you not ever wonder whyThese...
Epica-Beyond Belief
Epica-Beyond Belief lyricWisdom, knowledge, scienceDevelops, always, better, fasterThis is the final endA voice in the wildernessFights a futile warBecause the strong are deafMore so then beforeMassive disregardShows what to expectScars on top of scarsRacing toward a future we don't haveFear is taking over me, there is nothing I can seeThe Future is as certainAs life will come to an...
Epica-Another Me In Lack'ech
Epica-Another Me In Lack'ech lyricIf you search for enrichmentAnd injure othersEarning more that you can spendYou'll pass the bordersWhen you think you've succeededBut something's missingMeans you have been defeatedBy greed, your weaknessThis fantasy is not enough for meI want it, I'll take it away from youYour misery that softly incites meAll I do is using, abusing youLife is often...
Epica-The Phantom Agony
Epica - The Phantom Agony lyricsI can’t see you, I can’t hear youDo you still exist?I can’t feel you, I can’t touch you,Do you exist?The Phantom AgonyI can’t taste you, I can’t think of you,Do we exist at all?The future doesn’t passAnd the past won’t overtake the presentAll that remains is an obsolete illusionWe are afraid of all the things that could not beA phantom agonyDo we dream...
Epica-Never Enough
Epica-Never Enough lyricCan't you hear me screaming once again?Voices you can't hearBecause you are consumed and in contentWith everlasting greedDon't you see me on my hands and knees?Begging and bleedingYou're smiling as you bite the hand that feedsBut will you never see ?Always watching what your eyes can't seeFeeling what your arms can't reachThinking you are in needAlways hearing...
Epica - Solitary Ground
Epica - Solitary GroundLiving at different placesEvading into various spacesMy compass has brokenI'm losing the wayAn ongoing madness has led me astrayMy past breathes down my neckAnd it seems now that all I can do isGo back to beginnings when all lay aheadA fading illusion now plagues me insteadIn me there's still a place that fulfils meA sanctity here that I call home, I run toWhen...
Epica - Feint lyrics
Epica - Feint lyricsThe very brightest candle of all has been extinguishedSmothered by those who could not bear to face realityEvery beat of your heart tore the lies all apartMade foundations quiverEvery wave in the lake caused the porcelain to breakAnd I shiver...The leftover tallow just doesn’t containAll the right answersUnder a sea of dust lies a vast wealth of wisdomAn untuched...
Epica-Sensorium lyricChance doesn't existBut the path of life is not totally so predestined andTime and chronology show us how all should be inThe ways of existenceTo find out why we are here Being conscious is a tormentThe more we learn is the less we getNo one surveys the whole, focus on things so small butlife's objective is to make it meaningfulSearching only for thisThat which...
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- Diagnosa Keperawatan Aktual
- Konsep Dasar Keperawatan Keluarga
- 6 Hal Yang Biasa Di Indonesia, Namun Tidak Boleh D...
- Epica-Deconstruct
- Epica-Death Of A Dream The Embrace That Smothers P...
- Epica-Dance Of Fate
- pemesanan tiket pertandingan Big Match
- Transkultural dalam Keperawatan
- Vomiting
- Teori dan Model Konseptual Keperawatan
- Epica-Consign To Oblivion A New Age Dawns Part Iii
- Epica-Chasing The Dragon
- Epica-Burn To A Cinder
- Epica-Blank Infinity
- Epica-Beyond Belief
- Epica-Another Me In Lack'ech
- Epica-The Phantom Agony
- Epica-Never Enough
- Epica - Solitary Ground
- Epica - Feint lyrics
- Epica-Sensorium
- Epica-Cry for the moon
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