Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011
Bali, Best Tourist Places in Asia Pacific
DestinAsian tourism magazine awarded the sixth time to Bali as the best tourist destinations in Asia Pacific. This award is given in the event of The Sixth DestinAsian Reader ' s Choice Awards . Tourist island of Bali to maintain the predicate as the best tourist destination, which is generated through survey of readers of both print and online . " The award is given to Bali to motivate...
F 1 Car V 8 Supercar beat record
Bathurst: One cars Formula One or F 1 has recently set a new record on the track Bathurst, Australia ' s famous racing circuit . Subvert his record- engined V8 supercar with 20 seconds faster. Note that unofficial time was 1 minute 48 seconds obtained F 1 2009 world champion Jenson Button . He is also the first time driving a Formula One circuit across it. Record Button is obtained...
Jumat, 25 Maret 2011
Google Still Hold For Android 3.0 Phone
Google is not going to release Android 3 . 0 or Honeycomb to be used on mobile phones . Internet giant was still delaying the use of Honeycomb for devices smaller than a tablet. As Google ' s already been mentioned before , Honeycomb specially designed for tablets, not the phone. And Google still have to do a lot of work before his OS was released in open source format. Reported by...
BlackBerry Playbook Android Application Support
This is good news for fans who have patiently waited BlackBery presence tablet computers made by Research In Motion ( RIM ) . Playbook will support Android and Java applications . Thus , users will BlackBery Playbook will be able to run Android and Java applications , the tablet plan would be launched in the United States and Canada on April 19 , 2011 , it. " The addition of the BlackBerry...
Kamis, 24 Maret 2011
"Improving Nursing Skills In Management of Patients With Cardiovascular emergency"World Health Organization (WHO) recorded more than 7 million people die of acute coronary syndromes in the world in 2002. This figure is expected to rise to 11 million people by 2020. Antman et al, (2004).Acute Coronarya Syndrom (ACS) is a coronary heart disease is a major cause of death in the world,...
Wanita Alami Dua Jenis Orgasme
Penelitian terbaru para ahli menunjukkan, setiap wanita ternyata memiliki dua mekanisme atau pola berbeda dalam mencapai kepuasan seksual. Para ilmuwan di Rutgers University, New Jersey AS, berhasil memetakan pola orgasme kaum Hawa menggunakan alat pemindai untuk mengetahui daerah otak yang aktif saat mengalami rangsangan seksual.Hasilnya menunjukkan, ada mekanisme berbeda saat...
Training of Basic Trauma Cardiac Life Support (B.T.C.L.S)
To support the skills and expertise of health workers about the handling of emergency patients, the Hospital Hanafi Muaro Bungo conduct training Basic Cardiac Life Support Trauma (BTCLS). Information details, get here.TIME:May 19, 2011 at 15:30 - May 23, 2011 at 18:30PLACE:at Hospital H.Hanfie Muara Bungo Jl. Teuku Umar No. 88 Muara Bungo / Province Jambi, IndonesiaCOST:Rp 3.500.000,...
How Facing Nuclear Dangers
TOKYO - The Industrial and Nuclear Safety Oversight Japan ( NISA) Friday , March 18 , 2011 to correct the danger level of nuclear accidents from level 4 to level 5 , on a scale of 7 bedasarkan International Nuclear Events Scale (Ines ) . Immediately panic broke out after the danger level is changed. After correction this level, several newspapers reported that Japan ' s nuclear industry...
Odyssey Dawn , U . S . Deficit Billions of Dollars per 6 Hours
WASHINGTON - The military operation conducted by the U . S . to catch Moammar Gaddafi was not kidding . Super- sophisticated military equipment deployed . Then , what it will cost dirogoh U . S . President Barack Obama to fund the program Odyssey Dawn ? Clearly, the Pentagon will not open - about the strategy of opening up to the cost of fighting them . However, a number of foreign...
supaya kulit sehat alami
supaya kulit sehat alami untuk wanita.Tips untuk mendapatkan kulit sehat, bebas jerawat, cerah dan elastis:- Mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung Vitamin A dan C. Beberapa produk perawatan kulit menawarkan produk dengan kandungan Retinol. Retinol adalah nama teknis untuk Vit A, yang berguna untuk mempercepat regenerasi kolagen dan eksofoliasi. Vitamin C dikenal sebagai antioksidan,...
Kesalahan yang perlu di hindari dalam Memilih Produk Perawatan Kulit
Kesalahan yang perlu di hindari dalam Memilih Produk Perawatan KulitCoba tengok meja rias Anda. Ada berapa botol pelembab, krim malam, dan pembersih muka yang sudah lama Anda beli tapi tak pernah disentuh? Bisa jadi ini akibat kesalahan yang biasa kita lakukan dalam berbelanja produk perawatan kulit. Agar tak tertipu lagi, coba cek daftar berikut ini.Kesalahan pertama: mudah percaya...
Rabu, 23 Maret 2011
Opera Releases Opera Mini 6 and Opera Mobile 11
Opera has just launched two mobile browser version anyarnya, namely Opera Mini Opera Mobile 6 and 11 the latest. As is known , Opera Mini is a browser that works utilize the Opera server that compresses web pages first, before sending it to mobile users . Thus , data received by smaller users up to a tenth of its original size and can be sent more quickly. While the Opera Mobile browser...
Liquid Radio, Bandwidth Optimizer Technology
In the event Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association ( CTIA) Wireless 2011 , Nokia Siemens Networks introduces a new architecture for mobile networks . Unlike the previous technology, the technology called Liquid Radio is able to drain the capacity of broadband to the most needy . Thus , network resources will be more efficient due to distribution and redistribution of...
Soyuz will Gliding early April
Moscow : Russia has set a date for the launch of three new U . S . and Russian astronauts to the International Space Station ( ISS ) . The announcement is almost a week after a problem with the aircraft which forced Russia to cancel Soyuz launch. Russian Space Agency head Anatoly Perminov was quoted as saying the office - Russian news agencies , recently , said the Soyuz TMA - 21 will...
surat kangen buat jodoh ku....
♫•*¨*•.¸¸ﷲ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♥♥♥♥♥♥♫•*¨*•.¸¸ﷲ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاتهApa kabar jodohku? Baik-baik saja kan?? Berat rasanya kantung mataku tertutup. Bagaimana dengan kamu? Apa kamu slalu terbangun disepertiga malam terakhir? Dan apakah mulutmu trs menerus berdzikir dimalam itu?Jujur aku rindu kamu....jodohku...,,Tapi saat ini blm saatnya untuk kita bertemu, bukannya...
Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Abortus adalah istilah yang diberikan untuk semua kehamilan yang berakhir sebelum periode viabilitas janin, yaitu yang berakhir sebelum berat janin 500 gram. Bila berat badan tidak diketahui, maka perkiraan lama kehamilan kurang dari 20 minggu lengkap (139 hari) dihitung dari hari pertama...

Ilustrasi (Google)A. Konsep DasarThalasemia adalah suatu penyakit konginetal heriditer yang diturunkan secara autosom berdasarkan kelainan haemoglobin, dimana satu atau lebih rantai poplipeptida haemoglobin kurang atau tidak terbentuk sehingga mengakibatkan terjadi anemia hemolitik....
Lanjutan Pemilihan Ketua Umum PPNI SUMBAR
Malam yang lumayan hangat, meskipun Hotel Sahid terletak diatas bukit, mungkin pengaruh minyak bumi, yang kata penduduk setempat, Kabupaten Sijunjung mengandung minyak sehingga mengeluarkan hawa panas walau dimalam hari. Malam itu, merupakan sejarah baru yang menyaksikan seluruh utusan perawat berkumpul untuk mencari kesepakatan dengan harapan membawa kebaikan bagi masyarakat...
Pemilihan Ketua Umum PPNI SUMBAR diringi kekecewaan dan tangisan
Panduan tugas yang akan dikerjakan Bakal Calon Ketua Umum PPNI untuk Masa Bakti priode 2010-2015 telah rampung dirumuskan oleh 5 Komisi yang terbentuk dalam sidang pleno, diantaranya Komisi 1 bergerak dibidang Hukum dan Organisasi, Komisi 2 dibidang Diklat (Pendidikan dan Pelatihan), Komisi 3 membahas tentang Pelayanan Keperawatan dan Uji Kompetensi, Komisi 4 membahas tentang Kesejahteraan...
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- Wanita Alami Dua Jenis Orgasme
- Training of Basic Trauma Cardiac Life Support (B....
- How Facing Nuclear Dangers
- Odyssey Dawn , U . S . Deficit Billions of Dollars...
- supaya kulit sehat alami
- Kesalahan yang perlu di hindari dalam Memilih Prod...
- Opera Releases Opera Mini 6 and Opera Mobile 11
- Liquid Radio, Bandwidth Optimizer Technology
- Soyuz will Gliding early April
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