Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011
Calon kuat Ketua Umum PPNI SUMBAR Priode 2010-2015
Muaro sijunjung, 18 Maret 2011Setelah pemaparan yang sistematis dan terinci oleh Ketua Umum yang masa jabatanya malam ini berakhir membuat seluruh peserta yang hadir di Aula Hotel Sahid Bukik Gadang berdecak kagum. Menurut pemaparanya, awal tahun 2006 beliau mulai memimpin, keuangan PPNI SUMBAR minus dan bahkan berutang. Tahun 2011 ini telah memiliki saldo Rp 55.000.000 atas nama PPNI...
Jumat, 18 Maret 2011
The recall ( recall) of a car is not just happening in the car ' normal ' course. Evidence , Jaguar has just attracted more than 6 . 000 units of Jaguar XK and XF because it has a problem . As quoted from page detikOto cars . com , Friday ( 18 / 3 / 2011 ) 6 . 085 units that newfangled Jaguar XK sports car and a newfangled XF sedan had to be in drag because there are problems in the...
Panduan Tes Kesehatan Sesuai Usia

Sangatlah penting untuk melalukan medical check up secara teratur. Dengan begitu, Anda dapat memonitor kesehatan tubuh Anda dan dapat segera menangani penyakit sesegera mungkin.Berikut ini panduan tes kesehatan sesuai usia untuk seluruh keluarga:Dari lahir s/d 2 tahunRiwayat kesehatanTermasuk...
Pembukaan Musprov ke 5 PPNI SUMBAR
Muaro Sijunjung, 18 Maret 2011.Sebanyak 150 orang peserta yang hadir untuk mengikuti pembukaan Musyawarah provinsi (Musprov) yang diselenggarakan di Kabupaten Sijunjung berjalan dengan meriah. Musprov dihadiri oleh Bupati dan Anggota DPRD Komisi 3 Kabupaten Sijunjung serta para undangan dan anggota PPNI dari berbagai kabupaten/kota seluruh provinsi Sumatera Barat.Melalui Musprov kita...
CALIFORNIA - A series of independent tests reveal , it turns out Android- based smart phone has faster internet access speeds of up to 52 percent compared to the iPhone 4 which is supported IOS 4 . 3 . Thus the results of trials published in a Canadian software company , Blaze Software, as reported by Computer World , Friday (18 / 3 / 2011 ) . Blaze compare smart phone speed Nexus...
WASHINGTON - The United States military through the U . S . Central Command (CENTCOM ) to spy on users of social networking activities with using a false identity . Yes , CENTCOM had hired Ntrepid service , a software firm from California, to create 500 fake online identity . The contract is worth USD 2 , 76 million was mentioned, Ntrepid must provide false identities with " includes...
FLORIDA - NASA introduced the first human robot , which was launched into space by space shuttle Discovery , two weeks ago . The astronauts on the international space station finally introduce the Robonaut, two weeks ago after arriving at the station . NASA broadcast the event was a humorous introduction . Astronaut Catherine Coleman ( United States) and Paolo Nespoli (Italy ) opened...
Kamis, 17 Maret 2011
Profil Perawat Profesional
Pelayanan Keperawatan di masa mendatang harus dapat memberikan Consumer Minded terhadap pelayanan yang diterima. Implikasi pelayanan keperawatan akan terus mengalami perubahaan dan hal ini akan dapat terjawab dengan memahami dan melaksanakan karakteristik perawat profesional dan perawat millennium. Menurut Nursalam Peran perawat di masa depan harus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan...
Japan Tsunami Project Not Disturb Inalum
JAKARTA - The tsunami and earthquakes in Japan are believed to not disrupt the delivery of aluminum produced by PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium ( Inalum) . Director General of the International Industrial Cooperation of the Ministry of Industry ( Kemenperin ) Agus Tjahajana say, the portion of aluminum production Inalum exports to Japan amounted to 150 thousand tons per year. That number...
Apply Apple System " Authorized " on iTunes
New York : Apple Inc . authorized systems impose on iTunes . The system was imposed after the parents complained to their iTunes bill is bloated . ITunes security system earlier judged to be effective to protect your account from the user . Because , after a user enters his password on your iTunes and forgot to sign out after use, thethese devices is not re - ask for a password . At...
Cara Mengatasi Perut Kram

Pernah merasa sakit / kejang di bagian perut secara tiba-tiba? Mungkin yang sobat sehat rasakan itu adalah kram perut. Untuk itu, kali ini blog sehat akan membahas mengenai Cara Mengatasi Perut Kram. Cekidot.Penyebab Perut KramBanyak kejadian seseorang mengalami kram perut karena telat...
Kadar Lemak dalam Berat Tubuh

Seseorang dikatakan memiliki ukuran ideal jika bentuk tubuhnya tidak terlalu kurus dan tidak terlalu gemuk. Juga, jika ia terlihat serasi antara berat dan tinggi badan yang dimilikinya.Agar tubuh seseorang ideal, lemak di dalam tubuhnya harus dalam keadaan normal. Lemak memang diperlukan...
Tanda Tubuh Kekurangan Vitamin

Setiap orang pasti pernah mengalami kekurangan suatu vitamin atau zat tertentu yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh kita. Biasanya, saat seperti ini, tubuh memberikan sinyal-sinyal tertentu. Sayangnya, tidak semua orang peka terhadap sinyal-sinyal tersebut. Ini bisa disebabkan ketidaktahuan...
De Puniet Create Ducati Confident
DOHA - Valentino Rossi and Nicky Hayden have failed to carve a good result . Luckily , Randy de Puniet Ducati has shown quite nicely in the last test in Doha. Ducati satellite team rider mainstay, Pramac Racing is , managed to record the time faster than Rossi and Hayden . Remarkably , De Puniet just slower 0 , 764 seconds behind Stoner (Repsol Honda ) and 0 , 15 seconds behind Ben...
Rabu, 16 Maret 2011
Diamond Therapy For Cancer Patients
Illinois : Not only can become a good friend to women. Diamond was also help fight cancer cells . The experts at the University Nerthwestern discover new chemotherapy using diamond particles known as nanodiamonds. Chemotherapy methods are said by experts as the most powerful method to combat cancer . Because the content of diamond in these therapies can destroy the ability of cells...
Japan Earthquake , Miyabi Search at Yahoo Rises
If in the world , the search for the keyword ' earthquake' and ' tsunami ' terdongkrak sharp , the same thing also happened in Indonesia, coupled with related search Japanese actress, Miyabi. As in other parts of the Asia Pacific region, the Indonesian people also do a search with a variety of different terms related to Japan earthquake, and look for news , maps , videos and images...
China Not Affected by Japan Nuclear Explosion
SHANGHAI - China remains unaffected by a radioactive leak which was followed by a nuclear explosion in Fukushima , Japan . This statement of China' s nuclear watchdog, was quoted as saying by the newspaper Shanghai Daily said on Wednesday ( 16 / 3 / 2011 ) . National Nuclear Security Administration, who take shelter under the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Preservation, made the...
Tanaman Obat - Kapulaga
KapulagaNama Ilmiah:Amamum Campactum SolandNama Daerah:Kapolagha, Kapol, Kapulaga, Palago, Pelaga puwarNama Asing:Ronde KardemonKandungan:Minyak protein, gula, lemak, terbang‑sineol, terpineol dan alfaborneol, beta-kamper dan silikatBagian Yang Digunakan:Seluruh bagian (daun, bunga,...
Google Satellite Images Reveal Fierce Japan Tsunami
Internet giant Google and space agency NASA released satellite images showing the devastating impact of disasters in Japan . Public can see the state of the region before and after the tsunami hit . Google works with satellite imagery company GeoEye , launch a similar picture and can be seen via Google Earth or Picassa Web. Visible example of a waterfront area to pre- tsunami seemed...
Call of Duty: Black Ops Game Best Seller in U . S .
CALIFORNIA - This week , Call of Duty: Black Ops become the best - selling game of all time in the United States after successfully selling 13 , 7 million units on all platforms , five months after release. This game had record sales the first day when it was released last November 2010 and received revenues of more than USD 1 billion before the end of the year . Hardware So that was...
Joe Satriani Concert in Indonesia in July Future
JAKARTA - Joe Satriani planned to stop by to Indonesia in July . Joe comes in a series of tours to Asia. The town is going to be a witness Joe wring his guitar in front of the fans , Jakarta . From the promoter have not confirmed the venue that will be used by the god of the guitar is . " Not yet , we still find a place that fits ya, " said Arief , media coordinator of Original Productions...
Japanese MotoGP Postponed!
Mies - The event MotoGP Japan finally completely suspended . Thus the decision issued by the International Motorcycling Federation ( IMF ) . Friday (11 / 3 / 2011 ) local time, an earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale rocked the State 0 Sakura , then followed brunt of the tsunami waves. Explosion of the number of nuclear power plants are now leaving the impact of radioactive...
Selasa, 15 Maret 2011
Hyundai Launches Official Veloster
SEOUL- After a few time ago appeared as a concept car , finally South Korean automakers , Hyundai is rumored to have officially launched the production version of Veloster . However, in order to maintain ekslusifitasnya , Hyundai plans will only make a car with a unique door design is just as much as 18. 000 units per year. It is said , the car being targeted to the youth of Korea...
Presents Mazda MX- 5 Special Edition
SWITZERLAND - As one of the world ' s best - selling roadster car , the Mazda MX - 5 continue to make improvements, both in terms of appearance , performance and handling . Now , to commemorate the victory of Mazda in the Le Mans endurance race in 1991 , the Japanese car manufacturer plans to launch the MX - 5 special edition . At that time, the 787B with the number 55 car driven by...
MeeGo Netbook Coming Again Soon
NEW YORK - Early last week , Intel said that without or with Nokia , MeeGo will continue to run . And manufacturing companies this is his word. Yes, they plan to bring a netbook that runs with system MeeGo. Although not look like MeeGo will win the war smartphone or tablet near future, the presence of OS was recently seen walking on the netbook 10. 1 - inch . According to Nicole Scott...
Askep Maternitas Ruptur Uteri
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A. PENGERTIAN Ruptur Uteri adalah robekan atau diskontinuita dinding rahim akibat dilampauinya daya regang miomentrium. ( buku acuan nasional pelayanan kesehatan maternal dan neonatal ) Rupture uteri adalah robeknya dinding uterus pada saat kehamilan atau dalam persalinan dengan atau tanpa robeknya perioneum visceral. ( Obstetri dan...
Masa Kehamilan Trimester3
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Masa kehamilan dimulai dari konsepsi sampai lahirnya janin. Lamanya hamil normal adalah 280 hari (40 minggu atau 9 bulan 7 hari) dihitung dari hari pertama haid terakhir. Kehamilan dibagi menjadi 3 triwulan yaitu triwulan pertama dimulai dari konsepsi sampai 3 bulan, triwulan kedua dari bulan keempat sampai 6 bulan, triwulan ketiga dari bulan...
Askep Maternitas Pre Eklampsia
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1. KONSEP DASAR TEORIA. PENGERTIANPre eklampsia adalah sekumpulan gejala yang timbul pada wanita hamil, bersalin dan nifas yang terdiri dari hipertensi, edema dan protein uria tetapi tidak menjukkan tanda-tanda kelainan vaskuler atau hipertensi sebelumnya, sedangkan gejalanya biasanya muncul setelah kehamilan berumur 28 minggu atau lebih ( Rustam Muctar,...
Askep Maternitas Persalinan Spontan
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Persalinan spontan adalah bila persalinan berlangsung dengan tenaga sendiri (Manuaba, 1999 Hal : 138). Masa Nifas (Puerperium) adalah masa pulih kembali, mulai dari persalinan sampai alat-alat kandungan kembali seperti pra hamil. Lama masa nifas ini yaitu 6-8 minggu (Mochtar R,1998 hal : 15). Masa Nifas atau...
Askep Maternitas Nifas atau Puerperium
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A. DEFINISINifas atau puerperium adalah periode waktu atau masa di mana organ-organ reproduksi kembali kepada keadaan tidak hamil. Masa ini membutuhkan waktu sekitar 6 minggu.(Helen, 2001)Meskipun seccara harafiah didefinisikan sebagai masa persalinan selama dan segera setelah kelahiran, masa ini juga meliputi minggu-minggu berikutnya pada waktu...
Askep Maternitas Partus Macet
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A. DEFINISIPartus macet adalah suatu keadaan dari suatu persalinan yang mengalami kemacetan dan berlangsung lama sehingga timbul komplikasi ibu maupun janin (anak). Partus macet merupakan persalinan yang berjalan lebih dari 24 jam untuk primigravida dan atau 18 jam untuk multi gravida.
B. ETIOLOGIPenyebab persalinan lama diantaranya...
Askep Maternitas Multi Gravida dan Hipertensi
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2.1 Batasan/Pengertian Adapun batasan/pengertian Asuhan Kebidanan Multi Gravida dengan Hypertensi Kronis adalah :2.1.1 Asuhan KebidananAsuhan Kebidanan berdasarkan rumusan berbagai pakar dijelaskan sebagai berikut :Asuhan Kebidanan adalah aktifitas atau intervensi yang dilaksanakan oleh bidan kepada klien...
Askep Maternitas Letak Sungsang
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A. Latar BelakangLetak sungsang adalah letak memanjang dengan bokong sebagai bagian yang terendah (Presentasi Bokong). Angka kejadian : ± 3 % dari seluruh angka kelahiran.
Adapun letak sungsang dapat dibagi menjadi sebagai berikut :1. Letak bokong murni ; prensentasi bokong murni (Frank Breech). Bokong saja yang menjadi bagian...
Askep Maternitas Abortus Imminen
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A. Pengetian Abortus imminen adalah perdarahan bercak yang menunjukkan ancaman terhadap kelangsungan sauatu kehamilan. Dalam kondisi seperti ini kehamilan masih mungkin berlanjut atau dipertahankan. (Syaifudin. Bari Abdul, 2000)Abortus imminen adalah perdarahan pervaginam pada kehamilan kurang dari 20 minggu, tanpa tanda-tanda dilatasi serviks...
Mercedes - Benz AMG SLS Only 15 Units
Brand : Event to the auto show 2011 Geneva Motor Show does not seem to only show cars - new cars , but also car creations home modifications . One worth waiting for is Cormeum Mansory Mercedes - Benz AMG SLS, the plan will be made only limited to just 15 units . As reported Insideline site. com last week a German home modifications , Mansory , also to - upgrade old machines 6 . 3 -...
Japan' s nuclear crisis , the Chernobyl Two?
Tokyo: Grief is not yet lost . Grief when a massive explosion spewed reactor core up to 1500 meters into the sky and cast a cloud of toxic to the European continent. Gazette sad it happened on April 26 , 1986 in Chernobyl, Ukraine . It was about 5 million people exposed to radiation. Leaving a heartbreaking story . Chernobyl explosion was estimated to 200 times stronger than the radiation...
Senin, 14 Maret 2011
Chevrolet Captiva Will Launch More Sporty
WASHINGTON - With the aim to make the best products for all segments of the market , car manufacturers from the United States , General Motors ( GM ) reportedly has announced the launch of new models of Captiva. Using the name of the Captiva Sport , the car has been launched in the United States . " The latest product is the sporty version of the Captiva standard. And the sport version...
BMW 6 Series 2012 version soon Gliding
GERMANY - After showing series 6 version 2012 on carpet Detroit Motor Show 2011 which took place in January last. Now the German car manufacturer BMW will soon be producing Coupe car , and will present it in Europe and the United States in the near future . The car itself is a showcase of BMW ' s chief designer, Adrian van Hooydonk . With a length of 4 . 894 mm , width 1 . 894 mm and...
Stem Cell to Cure Blindness
WORLD medical re- discover the latest techniques stem cells for people with blindness. This new therapy course make new hope for those with imperfect eyesight. Scientists at Cambridge University believe a blind person can see again or recovering after surgery performed stem cell transplants ( stem cells / stem cells ) from their own bodies. This is one of the biggest success of the...
Chronology of Japan ' s Tsunami Earthquake
Tokyo : An earthquake measuring 8 , 9 on the Richter Scale that followed the Tsunami on the coast of northeastern Japan, has devastated some areas of the State Sakura . A moment later, Japan' s Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning for the entire east coast of Japan facing the Pacific Ocean, including 20 countries that come into contact with the ocean . Chronology of strong...
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03/13 - 03/20
- Calon kuat Ketua Umum PPNI SUMBAR Priode 2010-2015
- The recall ( recall) of a car is not just happenin...
- Panduan Tes Kesehatan Sesuai Usia
- Pembukaan Musprov ke 5 PPNI SUMBAR
- CALIFORNIA - A series of independent tests reveal ...
- WASHINGTON - The United States military through th...
- FLORIDA - NASA introduced the first human robot , ...
- Profil Perawat Profesional
- Japan Tsunami Project Not Disturb Inalum
- Apply Apple System " Authorized " on iTunes
- Cara Mengatasi Perut Kram
- Kadar Lemak dalam Berat Tubuh
- Tanda Tubuh Kekurangan Vitamin
- De Puniet Create Ducati Confident
- Diamond Therapy For Cancer Patients
- Japan Earthquake , Miyabi Search at Yahoo Rises
- China Not Affected by Japan Nuclear Explosion
- Tanaman Obat - Kapulaga
- Google Satellite Images Reveal Fierce Japan Tsunami
- Call of Duty: Black Ops Game Best Seller in U . S .
- Joe Satriani Concert in Indonesia in July Future
- Japanese MotoGP Postponed!
- Hyundai Launches Official Veloster
- Presents Mazda MX- 5 Special Edition
- MeeGo Netbook Coming Again Soon
- Askep Maternitas Ruptur Uteri
- Masa Kehamilan Trimester3
- Askep Maternitas Pre Eklampsia
- Askep Maternitas Persalinan Spontan
- Askep Maternitas Nifas atau Puerperium
- Askep Maternitas Partus Macet
- Askep Maternitas Multi Gravida dan Hipertensi
- Askep Maternitas Letak Sungsang
- Askep Maternitas Abortus Imminen
- Mercedes - Benz AMG SLS Only 15 Units
- Japan' s nuclear crisis , the Chernobyl Two?
- Chevrolet Captiva Will Launch More Sporty
- BMW 6 Series 2012 version soon Gliding
- Stem Cell to Cure Blindness
- Chronology of Japan ' s Tsunami Earthquake
- BMW ' s Electric Car Test I3 at the North Pole
- The U . S . Embassy regrets Leaking Information
- Earthquake & Tsunami Victims Killed Japan Transluc...
- Android Market burglarized Malware
- Inkubator Alami Untuk Bayi Prematur
- Near Tsunami Japanese Nuclear Safety
- 6 Meter Tsunami Hit Japan
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- Askep Maternitas Bayi Neuroma Pd Fronto Orbita Sin...
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- Gagal Napas Akut
- Askep Karsinoma Laring
- Askep Kegagalan Pernapasan Pada Torakotomi Akibat ...
- Askep Septum Deviasi
- Askep Perioperatif Klien dg Pyeloneprolithotomi De...
- Askep Gawat Darurat Thypus Abdominalis
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ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN IBU NIFAS DENGAN PERDARAHAN POST PARTUM A. PengertianPost partum / puerperium adalah masa dimana tubuh menyesuaikan, baik...
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Pathway Hematemesis Melena Klik pada gambar untuk melihat pathway Download Pathway Hematemesis Melena Via Ziddu
Setelah beberapa minggu ini cari materi buat postingan baru, mendadak dapat inspirasi setelah rekan Anton Wijaya menulis di buku tamu Keper...
DEFINISI Ikterus ialah suatu gejala yang perlu mendapat perhatian sungguh-sungguh pada neonatus. Ikterus ialah suatu diskolorasi kuning pa...
Pathway Combustio Klik Pada Gambar Untuk melihat pathway Download Pathway Combustio Via Ziddu Tag: Pathways combustio , pathways luka baka...
Metode Kalender atau Pantang Berkala (Calendar Method Or Periodic Abstinence) Pendahuluan Metode kalender atau pantang berkala merupakan met...
PROSES KEPERAWATAN KOMUNITAS Pengertian - Proses keperawatan adalah serangkaian perbuatan atau tindakan untuk menetapkan, merencana...
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