Selasa, 12 April 2011
The Secret Show Beautiful in 5 Minutes
BEAUTIFUL in minutes? Why not. With strategysmart and the right techniques, the view was so captivating facein immediately.Who says looking good takes a long time. Knowstructure of the face and understand the right makeup for your skinbecomes key. When the device is controlled, stepget a pretty even in the clutch. Here's the trick,as reported by the Times of India.Start with a moisturizerUsing a moisturizer to prevent your skin fromdrought. Expert make-up, Cory Walia said, "BetterYour use product that has a double function. Mineralmake-up is the best choice. Using the mineral powdermake-up effectively to close the pigmentation andunevenness of skin color. Then, create a line of eyelinerthick on the eyelids and lip gloss to give pulaskanfresh impression on the lips. "Hide dark circles eyesIf you have dark circles under the eyes because of toooften stayed up late, then do not forget to cover shortagesuch as makeup. How, compress your eyescold tea bags or cool cucumber slices. After that, massagemoment and pulaskan concealer on dark circles. Makeup experthair and makeup, Ruhi Bindra said, "Usingcream on the bottom of the eye is strongly recommended. Addalso mascara to make eyes look beautiful.Make sure you use waterproof mascara so kindwhen sweating or rain, mascara is not meluntur to cheekYou. "Reach lips like Angelina JolieTo get beautiful lips look, make a lip lineswith lipline and then proceed with lipstick. Ruhisay, use a lipstick that not only put forwardbeauty of color but also has content formoisturize lips. Remember, a very soft shade of lipstick willimplies a chic and simple look. If you want to appear moreglamorous, just choose a red lipstick. After that, pulaskan lipgloss to get a wonderful sensation on your lips.For skin looks brighterIf your skin look dull, use a body lotion tobrighten your skin tone. For the face, always usefoundation level under the skin color and one color powderlevels above the skin to obtain gradations of color facenatural. Besides making it brighter, the foundation canmake the outward appearance your powder last longer.
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